Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Zoos are a very old idea. Zoos can trace their origins back to 19th Century Menageries. They have evolved past this simple state to become actual habitats for the creatures that inhabit them, not just bars and cages to hold animals captive. In fact, some zoos have partnered with the Worldwide Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). As you can see by these statements, zoos are an important way to save endangered.

In Zoos aren’t a Victorian Era Throwback, They Are an important Resource to Help Animals in the Wild. Alienor Chauvenet said “In Australia, the zoos are connected to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) to protect animals. Zoos that are partnered with services that can protect animals, then they can’t be labeled as these terrible environments for animals, since they are helping the animals. In the St. Louis zoo, they are sheltering animals that are having their natural habitat destroyed. Since these zoos are helping animals recover from the brink of extinction, they should be allowed to stay open and help more of these animals. …show more content…

They have learned many important things over these years, including “how often and when a species nurses, who initiates nursing, proximity, grooming, nuzzling - has provided information to field researchers that would be hard to come by otherwise.” This is one of countless studies done by zoos to research animal behavior that would be hard to come by in the wild. This study, for instance, gives researchers data about nursing mothers that would be near impossible to come by otherwise, since the animals want to hide their young so fiercely. This is just one more way that zoos are contributing to the overall health and safety of wildlife

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