Persuasive Essay On Why Children Kill Their Parents

912 Words2 Pages

Alayna Peterson
Mrs. Stevens
Expository Writing
16 January 2018

Why Children Kill Their Parents

The act of parricide (killing of parents) is a daily event in the United States. A statistic on says from 1977-1986, more than 300 parents were killed each year. These children are most often abused/neglected and felt as if they had no way out. Useful research comparing the thoughts of those that had killed their parents was done by Paul Mones, a Los Angeles attorney who specializes in defending adolescent parricide offenders, shows that more than 90 percent had been abused by their parents. These children have no signs of severe mental illness or delinquent behavior. Most of them had asked for help from nearby peers or teachers, …show more content…

The support system of these children is very weak and needs to be fixed. Specifically teachers and counselors should be considered a safe haven for students and a place where a child can talk freely. In an article by Kathleen M. Heide written on January 9th 2016 posted on Psychology today states, “Over the course of a year, the youths had made attempts to get help- from teachers, relatives, or even the non-abusing adults in the house. They were either ignored or unsuccessful. These childrens goals centered on escaping escaping the family either through running away or killing themselves or others.” Most of the children choose less permanent ways of getting away from their parents, but being previously abused does have an effect on the way they reacted. The children are no longer able to run away and leave their parents, especially when they have been trained to take care of the house or to get beat when they don't do chores. “These children were psychologically abused by one or both parents and often suffered physical, sexual and verbal abuse, as well as witnessed it given to others in the household.” By running away, the child feels to blame for the others in the household continuing to be abused, which therefore creates a sense that they will not be able to simply run

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