Persuasive Essay On Vasectomy

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A vasectomy is tying (with or without cutting) the tube that collects the sperm from the testicle (vas deferens). The vasectomy blocks the sperm from going through the vas deferens and penis so that during sexual intercourse, the sperm does not go into the vagina. Vasectomy is safe, with very rare complications. It does not affect your sexual desire or performance. A vasectomy does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Because vasectomy is considered permanent, you should not have it done until you are sure you do not want any more children. You and your partner should be in full agreement to have the procedure. Your decision to have a vasectomy should not be made during a stressful situation. This includes loss of a pregnancy, …show more content…

Your scrotum will be washed with soap.
Hair may be removed from the surgical area.
Your health care provider will look for the vas deferens.
Each side of the scrotum will be numbed.
One of two methods will be used: either a very small cut (incision) will be made, or a punctured opening will be made without an incision:
The vas deferens will be pulled out of the scrotum.
The vas deferens will then be tied off, cut, or may be burned (cauterized) at the ends.
The vas deferens will be put back into the scrotum.
The incision or puncture opening will be closed. Absorbable suture material will be used. These materials will dissolve and will not need to be removed after the procedure.
The procedure may vary among health care providers and hospitals.
What happens after the procedure?
After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery area. Your progress will be watched and checked to make sure that you are okay and that there are no other problems.
After surgery, sperm may still be left in the vas deferens for 1–3 months. Because of this, other means of contraception should be used until your health care provider examines you and finds that there are no sperm in your seminal

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