Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

805 Words2 Pages

No texting and driving
According to Association For Safe International Road Travel,every year 1.3 million citizens get into car accidents every year, also 3,287 people die every day from car crashes . When ones eyes are turned to attention by something else and not the road, someone can hit the back of a car, run a red light, run a stop sign, or even a pole, or a tree. It may not always be one's life at risk, but someone's life can be and it can happen in a split second just cause someones eyes not on the road. So much money has to come out of a person just for a little accident that is not even that serious but could cause a big problem. Sending the wrong message can cause a lot of traffic hazards. That is one way of being dangerous behind the wheel to yourself and others. There are many ways to keep yourself and others safe just as there are many ways to keep everyone in danger, and all you have to do is just pay attention and follow the rules. Also watch out for other …show more content…

Proof shown that people are not experienced drivers till 5 years of driving and even than people are still not that experimented to be texting and driving .The statistics show that the most dangerous way to die is texting and driving an it is going threw the roof also there are so many dangerous behind the wheel people don't even realize it's dangerous. The main topic is no texting and driving because it's a distraction but there are very many others like makeup, toys, music, people, food, etc…, but people don't see this because they are “good” drivers . Don't get that wrong , there are very good drivers out there that know how to follow they rules and pay attention to themselves, other, and traffic hazards, but they still make mistakes maybe not as often but they do and so does everyone

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