Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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An incredible number of Syrians have recently left home in a decisive foray to seek a better life in the West. Current day estimates state the number of Syrians departing from Syria at 42,500 per day, in the long run, adding up to over 19 million people. Many of these Syrians are seeking refuge in Europe due to its close proximity and high standard of living, but many Europeans oppose the idea of allowing Syrians to enter easily. Morally, as beings with consciences, the decision to let refugees into Europe is simple: they too are humans and deserve to live good lives outside of the warzone. Unfortunately, with such restrictions as reality, the issue becomes much more complicated. For example, there are legal difficulties and impediments to …show more content…

The vast majority of the time, these countries are not equipped to handle the massive influx of people from the Middle East. Additionally, the mindset and opinions of many Syrians is contrary to the more progressive nature of many European nations. Many Muslim immigrants moving into Europe are not in favor of gender equality whereas Europeans try to promote it. Likewise, after the November 13th attacks in Paris, many Europeans are beginning to fear the true intent of some of the refugees as they can’t allow terrorists to slip into the European Union undetected. Due to legal, cultural, and security concerns, Europe cannot allow a mass influx of Syrian refugees to enter. There are many problems with allowing the Syrian refugees to enter due to European laws. Currently in Europe, there is a marked contrast between the poorer, former Soviet, Eastern European nations and the decisively wealthier Western European nations. Many Eastern Nations have not yet caught up with the West, and therefore these nations lack “the infrastructure and resources to process the massive influx of …show more content…

After the November 13th terror attacks in Paris, especially, Europeans are becoming increasingly wary and afraid of the potential for terrorists to enter Europe under the guise of legitimate refugees. The investigation which followed the attacks in Paris led to the uncovering of the fact that the attackers were European passport holders who had slipped in and out of Syria undetected, investigators also discovered a Syrian passport held by one of the attackers. The ability for potential terrorists to enter Europe as asylum seekers presents an ominous and imminent threat to Europe and Europeans. Many reforms to the Schengen Agreement, which was previously mentioned, are being proposed. These reforms do have the potential to take away from the value of unrestricted travel for innocent people though. The vast majority of European politicians want to show that they take national security and the safety of their citizens more seriously than lofty European ideals. Leaders want to find ways to improve European security without compromising the integrity of their respective nations, current attempts have proven to be ineffective. As of yet, there is not an effective way to handle the imminent threat presented by the possible presence of terrorists among Syrian refugees, because of this, Europe cannot afford to endanger its

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