Persuasive Essay On Stop Smoking

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“It’s not good for you,” “you should really stop,” or “you’re going to regret it in the long run” are just some of the famous lines usually heard in a smoker’s day. As a smoker, you most likely already know the serious health consequences you are going to face in the future if you keep up that habit of yours. But, since it’s an addiction and “you just can’t live without it” you try to minimise the damage with the help of diet and exercise.

But what if you have family or friends around you? If the harmful effects on yourself are not enough to keep you away from your cigarette box, then maybe knowing the damage you’re dealing to people around you will help you think twice about continuing the habit.

So, here are some things you have to remember …show more content…

See your doctor and ask for some stop-smoking treatments or switch to less dangerous smoking options, like using e-cigarettes. Not only are they healthier (because you are smoking vapour and not tobacco smoke) but they are also cheaper in the long run. Get e-cigarettes and e-liquids in Australia ( where you can even find starter packs tailored to fit just what you’re looking for.

#2: Your smoke is everyone’s smoke

You are not the only one affected by the toxic chemicals released by your cigarette stick. People around you can’t help but inhale it too so keep in mind that second hand smoke contains a mix of about 200 chemicals such as ammonia, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, and carbon monoxide that are poisonous and can potentially cause cancer. Second hand smoke also accounts for over 3,000 lung cancer deaths every year and is responsible for about 40,000 cardiovascular-related deaths.

#3: You and your environment smell bad

Your breath, clothes, skin, hair, car, and even your home reek of tobacco. You, as a smoker, may not even notice the smell, but people around you definitely recognize the obvious and unpleasant …show more content…

Through this, you can lessen the smell that you emit. Because you smoke vapour instead of tobacco, you also lose the odour that comes along with it. You can get e-liquids in Australia that will suit your taste and style without the exterior odour.

#4: Your baby needs you

If you’re expecting a baby, or you already have one, it’s is really better to stop quitting now. Smoking can actually have an effect on your newborn’s health. According to statistics, babies that are born from parents that smoke have essentially lower weight than those of normal babies. Not only that, tobacco smoke can also increase the chances of pregnancy miscarriage and developmental disabilities.

• Also, remember that babies are more prone to sickness so even just being around them can put them at risk. Tobacco smoke tends to stick to anything it comes in contact with so before playing with, or holding a baby, make sure you have washed your mouth and have changed your shirt.

#5: You are important to your

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