Persuasive Essay On Stop And Frisk

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'' Violating the 4th Amendment guarantees against illegal searches and seizures is not the way to solve crime problems. ~ Tim Wise Throughout the years, police departments all over the states have used the practice known as '' stop and frisk,'' in which officers can stop, question, pat down, and search the belongings of anyone they consider suspicious. Those who supported the stop-and-frisk tactics argues that this method should be allowed because it helps police make the streets safer and it prevents crimes and violent. Although some may agree to this tactic, theirs those who oppose it and claims that it violates the Fourth Amendment's, which ban unreasonable search and seizure.

Many police officers around the world have used the practice known as '' stop and frisk. This tactic allows officers to stop, question, pat down and search anyone's belonging that they consider suspicious. Although many jurisdictions support the procedures, there has been a complaint about the method and those who are concerned about the bad outcome of the practice. According to police reports, throughout the years' officers stopped 4.4 million people between2 2004 …show more content…

Citizens have the right and freedom to refuse a search from any police officers without any search warrant. This goes against the 4th Amendment, police officers can legally stop and detain a person only when they have a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing, has committed or is to commit a crime. Citizens are being stopped and searched by police with reason. These unlawful stops are demeaning and humiliating to citizens. It causes a tension between police and minorities and makes it harder for citizens to trust law enforcement. Stop and frisk is the result of racial profiling and racial discrimination. Many of the times those stops are made towards blacks, Hispanics and not often to

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