Persuasive Essay On School Uniforms In Schools

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Uniforms in Schools School uniforms are a very controversial subject for students. Just hearing the word uniform to some students causes fear and resentment to the idea that they have to look and dress a certain way. They get the feeling that everything that separates them from being who they are is being stripped away and now they are no better than the person sitting next to them. School uniforms stop the kids that wear American eagle, and Abercrombie and Fitch from being known as the rich kids. The kids that are a part of the lower and middle class don’t get to wear the name brand clothes, and in a lot of cases they get bullied very roughly for not being able to look nicer. Uniforms change all of that there is no more wealth class, or differences; …show more content…

The idea that uniforms could help with school performance comes from “the fall of 1987, with Charry Hill Elementary School in Baltimore, MD.” ( The school allowed students to make to choice on whether they wanted to wear uniforms or not. The History of School Uniforms article stated that “a lot of the parents were for the idea of having their kids wear uniforms.” This report also states “School officials and other advocates of the new uniform policies noted improvements in students “frame of mind” and that uniforms had “sharply reduced discipline problems.” With this information it seems clear that enforcing this uniform policy for students in 1987 helped fix the poor academic scores, and the violence among students that was happening back then. It should help now too with the poor grades and the bad disciplinary actions that has been …show more content…

Studies show that students don’t like to idea of wearing uniforms, but this report by Claudene Wharton from the University of Nevada states “Although 90 percent of the students indicates they did not like wearing uniforms. Various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, easy of going to school, confidence in self-esteem.” This was a study done out of Washoe County School district. The research was done on 1,350 students in the seventh and eighth grade. When Jafeth Sanchez, research assistant professor, and George "Gus" Hill, associate professor conducted this report, they analyzed discipline issues and whether kids with uniforms behaved better after the uniform policy was implemented or not. This was their results from this study, “compared to the year prior discipline referrals were reduced 10 percent the first year the uniform policy was implemented. Additionally, school police data showed a 63 percent reduction in police log reports during the first year of the implementation” These numbers are significant drops in the violence after uniforms were implemented in these schools. If they can drop that percentage in just one county, what would happen if all the counties adopted the idea of wearing

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