Persuasive Essay On Religion In School

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Presentation of the Idea Religion in school is a major no-no today. With all the Supreme Court rulings and laws that have been put into place it is impossible for the schools to support any type religion. Though the laws state that students have the freedom to pray and read whatever they want if it is appropriate, teachers and students cannot teach or impose their religious views on anyone else. As a student, I have had many teachers that feel like their freedoms are being restricted. When I was in 5th grade, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. One of my favorite teachers prayed for me and my family. It happened again in 7th grade when a teacher prayed for each class. To me and many others, this was a very emotional act. However, I can’t …show more content…

In the start of education many of those who were educated were either royals or religious men. As things progressed, more people were being educated but most of the time schools were in church’s. In those schools the base of the building blocks started with religion. However, as time passed and different religions began to spread across America many began to believe that education and church did not go together. Schools and states have been involved in many lawsuits regarding religious freedoms. Religious activities, such as praying in class, teaching of evolution and creation, and punishment for secular views, provoked many of these lawsuits. Today religion has been completely excluded from the schools. But why is letting schools have religion classes …show more content…

After studying the tools schools, they saw how the more religious school had to use secular activities to create connections between students, whereas the other school found that connections between students were better created when they learned about the different religions. This book helps show how traditional religious schools aren’t effective but religion is still important in school.
Johnson, Frederick E. American Education and Religion: The Problem of Religion in the Schools. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies, 1952. Print.
This book is against having religion in school, but it doesn’t disregard the idea of having class taught to educate students on religion. Harper believes that even though religion should be taught, there should be a separation of church and state, the helps keep everything fair, and doesn’t disregard the minorities. This book is surprisingly helpful because it helps provide an understanding of the counterclaims that I can use to make a stronger argument.
Moore, Diane L. Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach to the Study of Religion in Secondary Education. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

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