Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

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Saving Eight Lives is Easy

How do you feel when you have to wait for a long time for something you really want or need? What if it was something that you actually could not live without? The need for organ donation has never been greater. In the United States, there are I99,018 people on the transplant waiting list (LiveOnNY). Every year, thousands of people die waiting for an organ because a suitable match for them could not be found. But, you can help.
The first reason why you should be an organ donor is that you can save up to 8 lives. Furthermore, you can enhance up to 50 more lives. The most special part about donating your organs is that your organs will continue to live on, even after you have died. Secondly, the need of donors is growing every day. Every 10 minutes, someone is added to the national transplant list. About 22 people on the waiting list die each day because they did not get the organ they needed in time (Data). In 2016, there were 33,594 transplants performed. That number is a huge increase from …show more content…

The donor must believe that life should not be taken for granted and that anyone who receives the gift of a donor organ will be extremely grateful. Another issue could be that families could become confused by the fact that their family member will be kept on life support while the organs or tissues are removed. Surgeons do not take out the tissues unless the patient is brain dead, but sometimes they put the body on a ventilator in order to keep the heart pumping new blood into the organs and tissues to keep them alive long enough for them to remove (Understanding Donation). This is not the same thing as life, but right after they have harvested the organs, the ventilator is removed and the patient's heart will stop (The Deceased Donation

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