Persuasive Essay On National Debt

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Anytime you hear about the national debt and its unimaginable sum, it is either on the campaign trail of a politician or in an economics class. Little does the debt get publicity on a normal basis, even though a majority of citizens believe it is a problem. A recent Pew survey found just slightly above half of Americans consider the budget deficit a top priority. So, to dive deeper into this issue, I will be discussing the creation of our national debt’s recent exponential growth, its ramifications, and possible solutions. How did the national debt grow so large? While there are many reasons contributing to our large national debt, there are three important ones to note. First, the accumulation of budget deficits. Every time the government …show more content…

Unfortunately, I do not believe there is one magic solution to this enormous issue. But there are four important steps that we could take to try and right the ship. First, we need to become better educated about the national debt and its implications. Balancing your own checkbook is worlds different from the federal government’s. You also have to research the effects of fiscal policy, as to not perform a move that could potentially lead to another recession. Education is key if we are to make any substantial progress on this issue. Second, we need to make responsible fiscal policy reform a partisan issue. Fiscal policy is very much controlled by whichever party is in a majority. So, to make lasting, concrete solutions we need both teams to work towards the goal. That leads to my third point, the government must set an achievable goal for the future of national debt. A simple one that could be done over time, so a drastic change would never be needed. Such as a gradual reduction in deficit spending until we reach a surplus. As well as a plan for that surplus. Fourth, although it may sound too simple, the easiest way to solve the debt crisis is to cut spending and raise taxes to an equal amount. Each will reduce the deficit equally but will have different effects on the economy and the job market. In addition, the government should delay these changes for at least one year to provide businesses a chance to adjust to the new fiscal

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