n the United States, joining the armed forces can be seen as a very prestigious occupation to uphold. Despite this, many have questioned if students who have recently graduated from high school should be required to spend one year in service to their country in the military or a civilian service program. Though this seems like a good idea as far as building up the United States military strength, forcing students to join programs such as that before entering college or going throughout the rest of their lives is something that the United States Congress should drop because of the little need for a bigger military, the fact that taxes would be raised, and that it would cost more money than what we could receive from it.
At the current moment, there is no great need for a big military; therefore having a bigger military is pointless. The only thing creating a bigger military would accomplish would be peace of mind, which the country already has plenty. Creating a larger military would also create more tensions throughout the rest of the world, who might question America's need for an enlarged military. Moreover, aving a larger military is pointless
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Many of these people would be forced to participate in the army as well, so using money on people who would rather not be there is just a waste. Those taxes could be funding more immediately important things and as of the moment the military isn't immediately imporotant. This legislative act should not be passed because we don't need to be giving the military even more financial aid when it is
“Freedom is the most expensive thing that you own, even if you did not pay for it yourself”, Unknown. The military has been one of the most helpful things in the community. The military protects the United States and other countries from threats as well as protecting the people in the countries. Some people think that the military gets paid enough. Why some people think this, the majority of people say that the military is underpaid and that the pay should be raised.
Our country is more than pleased to be able to make the decision as to whether or not the military is their thing, and with that being said conflict could only rise with the reinstating of the military
“Through out most of their history, Americans freely defended their nation from threats both domestic and foreign. Only in their greatest conflicts - the Civil War, World War I, and the lead - up to World War II” (Forbes) they had to implement the draft. A draft, "called conscription in most countries, is the process by which the United States has, in the past, gathered members of its military. Generally, a man called to serve through the draft would serve for two to four years" (Rich). "Toward the end of the increasingly-unpopular Vietnam War, President Nixon led efforts to end the draft and create an all-volunteer military"(Nyden). The difference between a draft and an all-volunteer army is based on the quality, decisions, and the money.
As America heads into a new year, we find our government tightening its purse strings and cracking down on excessive spending, with an emphasis on the US military. According to author Brad Plumer, a reporter at the Washington Post, “U.S. defense spending is expected to have risen in 2012, to about $729 billion, and then is set to fall in 2013 to $716 billion, as spending caps start kicking in.” Pared with a more drastic 350 billion dollar cute going into effect over the next ten years, the military finds itself cutting what cost the most to maintain and support troops (Fact Sheet par. 2). In recent years the military has bolstered an overwhelming 1,468,364 troops (Active Duty). These numbers are to be cut substantially; the biggest cut is to be seen in the Army. The Army must deal with a reduction of 80,000 troops, cutting its force of 570,000 troops to nearly 140,000.Subsequently, the budget cuts, which have led to a reduction of troops in the military, has driven the military to turn to advanced weapons technology that requires less people to m...
Less than one percent of all Americans are enlisted in the military. An even smaller percentage of high school students are enlisted. Students are thought to be incompetent, and not mature enough to decide on enlisting in the military. However, students should be allowed to join the military. The military offers many benefits students can use to help their future. The protection of our country is not overlooked for recruits; they are awarded many personal benefits as well. Tuition assistance, job training, and many benefits that help prepare recruits for occupations while enlisted. Not only are students getting great benefits, but they are also in a small group of professional workers.
"The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country” (-General George S. Patton Jr). Here within our borders we are the lucky ones, we have been blessed with the pleasure of so many brave men and women; to volunteer in the world's greatest military; and put their lives on the line for something that they believe is a moral obligation. But, think of some other countries, that have conscription (the practice of ordering people by law to serve in the armed forces) laws. We as a nation have some laws on conscription, and if you are male and above the age of 18 you have already signed the slip of paper stating that in the time of war; if our great nation re-instated the draft then there is a great chance you will be serving on the frontline of the next Great War. This brings me to my first topic of this page, is it ethical to have a draft? My second topic that I will discuss will be on if it is morally acceptable to "draft dodge". What I mean on the second topic is if you have a right; that morally allows you to not go fight in the war.
This imposes problems on the military and even on the government. One article states that, “Reduced budgets and the threat of sequestration create a sense of uneasiness in the ranks, and those fears are fueled by politicians willing to shut down the federal government rather than compromise.” (Army Magazine) This is because with the increase of budget cuts they start to cause problems for the ones who are working and this creates lost jobs in the military. No one wants to lose their job not even the ones that have put forth a great amount of time and effort in the military. For the ones that have been in the military for a long period of time this can actually have negative effects on their life style and even cause problems when returning
The Military draft is the random selection of qualified citizens of the United States, that is put to use when a crisis occurs, like a war. When American citizens reached age 18, they had to sign up for eligibility to be drafted to go to war for their country. Throughout the country’s history, the requirements and limitations of drafting have changed. The draft has been going on since colonial times in America in order to fulfill the country’s military needs when there were not enough volunteer fighters for the military. The total amount of soldiers that one side has fighting for it is an important factor in any type of battle so getting the necessary amount of fighters is crucial. The draft assures everyone that this military need is satisfied at any point in time. Many people feel like the draft is not fair and not “American” and the draft has seen so much conflict since its invention. Throughout the history of the United States, the military draft has been a very important, yet highly controversial topic at the same time.
Conscription, also known as drafting, is a practice that requires mandatory enlisting into any of the branches of the armed forces. This practice has been adopted by the United States at the very least two times before and from what I can remember during World War II and the Civil War conscription was being practiced. Nowadays conscription is not practiced in the United States because there isn’t a need for it. Now, if you want to join the army you can do so by volunteering. However, there are people who believe conscription should be brought back. Some people believe that the drafting of younger people might help these young people develop useful skills and cultivate a sense of unity and national pride. Although all of these are valid reasons,
Military is an establishment of a country and nation. There are a few different motivation behind why one may join the Military. Recently, Ive asked a few secondary school understudies for what good reason they anticipate inlisting in the military. Majority of their responses were cash for school , training and traveling. Those are suitable reasons yet many are undecided wheather to join the military after college or before college. With All things considered , it is by all means more valuable and beneficial to join the military before school instead of joining after school. One key defense would be that joining the military before school will help pay for ones
Will the security of our nation be compromised? Will U.S. enemies take it as a chance to land a brutal blow against America? Yes, these things will happen. However, they will only happen if the military budget is decreased too much, or if funds are not used appropriately. For instance, maybe the U.S. needs to invest less of its resources into meddling into foreign affairs. At some point, America became the terrorists in the “War on Terror.” Undoubtedly, America has the strongest and best-trained military on the planet. Mainly because of how many resources we’ve invested in building it. Granted, this great country will not falter with some military budget cuts here and there. Instead, it can take those funds and invest them into the leaders and workforce of tomorrow and brighten its
I am writing to you so share with you my reasons for not being conscripted to serve in the Vietnam War and why I don’t believe in conscription. I would like to explain my reasons for not wanting to be conscripted, I hope you take these reasons into serious consideration and understand why I am standing by my thoughts.
...ion or are already doing well to provide for their families, they should still be placed into the military. The American government should drill into the head of every adult that they know what’s best for them, because they do. This will ensure the prosperity and competitiveness of this country for many years to come!
We can not afford to fall behind and give our opponents the upper hand. We need our military support. At all times for any kind of crisis. The funds need to be available to secure our troops with supplies they need and places they need to be at. The military is the wrong department to be cutting
Countries like Israel, North Korea, and Norway all enforce mandatory military service. It's bad enough that it is mandatory, but when countries force children to join their military, i think it's despicable. I don't like war at anytime. I feel as if it is just useless fighting, which ends up with us and the other country losing great people for no reason. The only time i feel as if war is acceptable is for defence, but that still means on side has to attack.