Essay About Conscription

610 Words2 Pages

Dear Grandpa,

I am writing to you so share with you my reasons for not being conscripted to serve in the Vietnam War and why I don’t believe in conscription. I would like to explain my reasons for not wanting to be conscripted, I hope you take these reasons into serious consideration and understand why I am standing by my thoughts.

Australia entering this war, was not too fight and protect our country, but to help our allies America to stop the spread of Communism through South-East Asia. The South Vietnamese government, the Ngo Dinh Diem were the ones to request Americas help which then followed with its allies.

I know your belief in conscription is a big thing but in a way it is a cruel thing. Against someone’s will sending him or her away to fight in a war that they may not believe in in the first place. Conscription in a war where fighting for your country is a good cause however fighting for someone’s beliefs is completely different.

Many Australians reject the idea of conscription to an overseas war, and believe conscription should be used here as a home defense, for exampl...

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