Persuasive Essay On Illegal Dumping

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Kaulynn shreeve
Ms. Petitt
English 12
8 March 2017 Illegal dumping
Have you ever seen a pile of garbage on the side of the road that someone dumped illegally because they did not want to pay fifteen dollars to take it to the landfill and throw it away? Illegal dumping is a problem that is rising in America every single day. With the population growing and more people on the earth, there is more garbage so there needs to be more landfills around the world.
What is Illegal dumping it is the improper waste disposal at a dumpster or any where other than a landfill or in an unauthorized landfill. It's known to pose a threat to the environment and human health which is not a good thing for humans. Illegal dumping happens most of the time at …show more content…

Human health risk is often associated with illegal dumping that is accessible to people and this endangers their lives and that of the young children around. With all of the trash on the ground it is easy to have access to for animals and for humans. The health effects of drinking contaminated water can range from no physical impact to severe illness or even death. Some of the effects of drinking contaminated water can be immediate, or not noticed for many years. The symptoms that you would have would consist of vomiting, diarrhea and feeling light headed. Illegal dumping poses a threat to a community's drinking water supply when toxins come out of the trash through rainwater and snow melt, and enter the groundwater or go directly into a waterway, and work its way into the community’s source water …show more content…

Dumping can interfere with proper drainage of runoff. Areas are more likely to frood when thes is trash built up in the way of the draining area. In rural areas, burning at dump sites can cause forest fires and severe erosion as fires burn away trees and undergrowth. The run-off from liquid trash that contains harmful substances such as oil or household cleaning products can contaminate local waterways and drinking water supplies.( of Dumping.pdf) Dumping also takes a big impact and wildlife and other environmental things. Many birds and small animals die after drinking contaminated water or becoming caught in trash that was illegally dumped . Fish and other aquatic species are killed when decomposing litter and food wastes in streams deplete oxygen supplies in the water. Trash in a stream can also clog fish spawning areas. Dumped appliances are not only an ugly thing to look at when you are out and about but also hurt the enviroment really bad and sometimes kill things

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