Persuasive Essay On How To Stop Your Dog Running Away

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As a responsible dog owner, one of the worst feelings in the world is finding the gate open and your pet gone. So how to stop your dog running away - and why does he do it in the first place? He or she has loving owners, they get fed regularly and generally love to be with us. Why then do some dogs take every opportunity to escape through a door or gate inadvertently left open.

Of course, dogs don't understand danger so they don't know they could get hit by a car, attacked by another dog or even by a human who isn't so fond of animals as you. All they know is that they can smell a whole new world which reminds them of when they are being taken for a walk and are having fun with you. The problem is too, that once a dog has escaped one time, …show more content…

Not only understands them but will practice them all the time.

These should be things like not opening the door or gate until they know where the animal is, and they have made sure that the dog is out of range of the open door. Possibly someone may have to hold the dog to stop it running away while the door is actually opened.

Make sure that any visitors know the rules. Not everyone has a dog, and not all dog owners have dogs who run away, and it may not even occur to them that your dog will try to escape.

Other Things You Can Do To Prevent Your Dog Running Away

As well as putting the above rules into practice, it is obviously important to start training your dog so you don't have to spend the rest of his life stressing about him running away at every opportunity.

If you haven't already taught him the basic commands, such as sit, stay and down, then this is where you need to start. They are the most important commands, as learned properly your dog should stay in a single place without making that dash for the open door. Obeying these commands will not immediately solve the dog running away problem, but they make the basis for learning all the other commands and tricks you may want to teach

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