Persuasive Essay On How To Make Candles

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Introduction: The photo showing below is me with my candle. A Candle is a source of light. It can be used to provide heat. Sometimes, people use candles to set a warm or romantic ambiance due to their aesthetic value and aroma. At some restaurants, we can find candles with tabletop candle holders set on tables which can create a romantic atmosphere. Besides, they are used for emergency lighting when the electricity fails. Electricity cannot work in some cases and so some people use candles for lighting. It can also be used as a method of keeping time. A candle is cheaper than electric light. However, the industry of the candles started declining after mass production of light bulbs. Consequently, the manufacturers of candles had to design …show more content…

The main components of candles are wax and wick. We can divide the processes in making candles into two main parts, making wax and molding wax. a) Making wax First, you choose which kind of wax. We can find different kinds of wax in the market, including paraffin wax, soy wax and beeswax. You can choose either one of them or you can use the old candles. Next, you have to cut the wax into small pieces so that you can melt them much easier. You should put the wax on a piece of paper so as to prevent the wax against the water vapor on the table. After that, you need to prepare a half bowl of water and make sure that there is enough space for small container which you would put wax inside for melting. Then, you place those small pieces of wax inside the small container and put the container inside the bowl and you can start boiling the water. The wax would then melt. Next, you have to put the thermometer inside the wax so as to notice whether the wax melts. Various temperatures are needed in melting the different kinds of wax. Then, you can add the favorable color into the wax. Only oil-based dyes are allowed. Normal food coloring do not work in that case since it is water-based. After adding several drops of coloring, remember stirring the wax

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