Persuasive Essay On How To Eat Soup

2014 Words5 Pages

Every overweight person deep down wishes for a way to keep eating and lose weight at the same time. Well there is good news for them. Regular consumption of soups can be an effective tool for weight loss. This is because soups provide necessary nutrients to the body without increasing the weight.
Soup makes up a part of many weight loss diets because of the low number of calories they contain. This therefore means that you can consume a lot of soup without consuming many calories. People who consume soup regularly are less likely to be overweight than those who don’t. Research suggests that eating low-calorie soups before your meal can assist your weight loss efforts.
According to eating low-calorie soup before a meal can help cut back on how much food and calories you eat at the meal; a new Penn State study shows. Results show that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before a lunch entree, they reduced their total calorie intake at lunch (soup + entrée) by 20 percent, compared to when they did not eat soup. This means that when using soup to help with weight loss, eat your soup about 30 minutes before eating your main meal. This will give you time to finish your soup and make your stomach full so as to eat smaller portions of the more calorie-dense foods on your plate. …show more content…

The following factors will help you select the best recipe for a weight loss

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