Persuasive Essay On Health Care

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The United States of America is supposed to be the greatest nation on earth. We are supposed to celebrate freedom and praise equality. We are all supposed to have the opportunity to live a nice, long, wonderful life.There are quite a few problems that make the above difficult, to say the least. One of the most important, however, is America’s health care. America has a terrible health care system, especially when compared to other first world countries. This private system America uses to treat the sick is ludicrous. This system hurts many Americans and is ridiculous. In the interest of freedom and equality, the state of Iowa needs to be the first to enact a single-payer system in the United States. From the 1960s to today health …show more content…

Because of this “approximately twenty to forty-five thousand people die in the United States each year due to a lack of health insurance.” (Obamacare) Not only that but “about fifty-three million Americans have admitted, with or without insurance, they cannot afford to see a doctor.” (LUHBY) That means even those that pay expensive bills every month to their healthcare so that if they get sick they will be covered do not use it. My own family has been in similar situations. Until this year, I had not been to a dentist since 2012. Not because my parents were not insured, not because I had perfect teeth, but because even with their expensive health care plans it costs hundreds of dollars to see a dentist or doctor and people in lower middle class like my parents were could not afford it. Considering wealthy people in the United States can afford better health care it should be no surprise that they live, “on average over eleven years longer than their poorer counterparts.” (GARCIA) Now in America, the place where everyone is supposed to be equal, we let the rich buy longer lives than the …show more content…

"Single-Payer System: Why It Would Ruin US Healthcare.” Medscape. 29 Sept. 2015. Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) "Single-Payer Myths; Single-Payer Facts." Physicians for a National Health Program. 4 May 2016. Shafrin, Jason. "Health Care Around the World: Canada." Healthcare Economist. 25 Apr. 2008. ProCon. “Should all Americans have the right (be entitled) to healthcare?” 5 Jan. 2015 Garcia, Ahiza. “Life expectancy gap for rich and poor is widening.” 18 Feb. 2016. Luhby, Tami. “Millions can’t afford to go to the doctor.” 26 April 2013. Schulz, Peggy. “Let’s tackle cost of healthcare.” 16 Nov. 2013. Obamacare Facts. “Facts on Deaths Due to Lack of Health Insurance in the United States.” 2016.

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