Persuasive Essay On Hair

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Most of the women desire to have a long, thick and shiny hair .Almost every women feels by having a beautiful hair, its able to boost up their confident level and they could create a self image to potrey to the world .Strands of hair are part of skin organs that made up of protein. A optimum protein intake is necessary to grow the hair strands thicker and stronger. How do we control our internal issue i.Taking alots oily fish such makeral and salmon which contains omega 3 & 6 fatty acid and vitamin D, helps to hydrate the scalp and strengthen hair follicles.For those who vegetarian consumer you may take flax seed oil, chia seed, lentils and soy protein. A balance diet helps in providing all essential nutrient that a hair requires to maintain its growth and hydration. They a rich with plant base protein.Most of the hair issue are caused by continuos level of stress causing our hair to break and fall easily.Well some part of our cells need to sacrifice to release our negative emotion and toxin that still survive in the body.Releasing through hair is one of the most …show more content…

You may use sulfate free shampoo as their mild shampoo that doesnt contain any harsh agent or may use any good brands shampoo which contains alot vitamins which gives a added strength to the hair .However try less shampoo and we suggest to use a solution that helps to retain and hydrate the hair after shampooing and. help to soothe the scalp from any irratation once sprayed , massage the scalp for full absortion and stimulation. - You need a empty small hair spray, fill with rose water, less then a half tea spoon of aloe vera gel(free alcohol),4 to 5 strips of safron and vegetable glycerin. Mix this ingredient in the empty bottle, shake well and its ready to spray .The potion could last more then 1 week depending the level of usage and the best is if we can continuously refill a new mix potion for its better

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