Persuasive Essay On Eeharmony

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We have all seen the EHarmony internet dating commercials. They seem to be on incessantly. "If you are looking for the love of your life. join EHarmony " they say. The founder of EHarmony claims that thier personality profile will aid you in finding someone particularly compatible. EHarmony commercials feature couples who describe " instantly clicking" through internet dating and credit the fact that EHarmony "matched them psycholgically". Is It worth it to join EHarmony or should you choose nother internet dating site? Can you expect to have the same experience as those couples? Naturally there is no internet dating site that offers a guarantee, but will you have a better chance if you choose to look through EHarmony's internet dating site? …show more content…

EHarmony works out to be hundreds of dollars a year. EHarmony is by far the most expensive internnet dating site. If you would like to pay no fee at all you can join, which truly is a free site. Now you may feel the price is not really a consideration when one is talking about finding the love of your life. But even if money is no object, it seems to me, it only makes sense to pay more to EHarmony if your chances are actually improved by doing so. I am sure EHarmony has created a number of successful couples. It is a site that markets itself to those who Are seeking serious relationhips, not casual dating. Nonetheless, no matter what site one chooses, it is possible to see what type of relationship the one who interests you seeks..Obvioulsy if you are looking for something serious every site will have a certain number of people who's ads display " looking for long term" and you could focus on meeting them. You do not have to try internet dating through EHarmony to find people who are serious about finding …show more content…

Louis suburb. Just a couple of days prior to his violent death, Walker fled metro Atlanta after allegedly gunning down the 48 year-old stepfather of his girlfriend, and then his estranged wife-both of whom live in the Atlanta area. The trail of violence began once Walker's 18 year-old ex-girlfriend ended their romantic relationship. According to local news stories, he became enraged and took his frustration out on her stepfather, and then a short time later, his wife. It is quite possible that the ex-girlfriend had no inkling about her paramour's mental instability-though it is obvious that she discovered this information too late. But in recent months, there have been several murder-suicide cases of similar background, which would indicate that others are equally oblivious. When I was around the age of 18 or 19, I met a man 14 years my senior, though he'd seemed much younger upon my meeting him. At that point in time, I'd had fairly limited dating experience, but saw no problem with exploring the opportunity-that is until my little voice told me that something was not quite right with the budding relationship. It was at that moment that I decided to end things, though I was not quite sure why I was doing so. In retrospect, I realize that ending things relatively early was probably one of the best things that I could have done. In light of my romantic inexperience, I felt that

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