Abolishing Dolphin Slaughter

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There are many people who wish to tear down many different food sectors. The whaling industry is gone, cats and dogs are protected, and tags are in place to prevent over hunting of wild animals. However, many of these only apply to non domestic and untamed beasts of the land, air, and sea. Nevertheless, even as these people criticize, and as long as they are not vegetarian, they are hypocritical. Right in front of them, they miss the slaughter of thousands of intelligent and self-aware beasts. All because they are used to it. To us the Taiji dolphin slaughter seems cruel, to those is in their culture, it is simply a fact of life. I believe the dolphin slaughter should be allowed to continue, because we all have our quirks, our individual cruelties, some are harder to find, but they are still there. …show more content…

However, who is protesting the bull fights. Not many people, let me tell you, and whoever is just sits in front of the stand insulting those who wish to see it. If we wish to get rid of the dolphin hunt, we should at least first get rid of those attractions that are causing obvious harm, and even torture, to the different bulls. We are just being hypocrites as long as we permit those things that are more painful that just being killed immediately, what we see is the bull, bloodied and angry, trying to live, charging a red cape as it tries to survive, while some performer slices it with a sword over and over and over again. Each strike causing more pain that most of us could imagine. But we are letting these things go on, and as long as these things go on, I would prefer support the dolphin hunt rather than paying for the torture of

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