Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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As technology has advanced, putting a small computer in each of our hands, distracted driving has gotten out of control, with some government agencies banning cellphone use while driving, and many others considering such bans to improve safety. Accidents and deaths can and do occur because of distracted driving, and our smartphones can be a real problem. However, those same smartphones can help lower risks and promote car safety through the use of driving apps.
Let’s take a look at a few and what they can do for drivers.

Driving apps that improve car safety, reduce accidents and prevent injuries are readily available, and well worth using. Many of these apps attempt to reduce or eliminate distracted driving, as we know that drivers who are using smartphones and other mobile devices are four times as likely to be involved in a car accident. Other driving apps make smartphone use hands free, though you should be aware that this is illegal in some …show more content…

It will respond to texts and calls by letting friends and family know that you are driving and unable to answer them immediately. Sprint provides this app free to improve car safety for its customers, and you are still able to override the app in an emergency, and it is available for both Android and iOS phones.

iBolt Dock'n Drive
The iBOLT Dock'n Drive ( is an app which encourages car safety by turning the driver’s phone into a driving assistant. It pairs the car’s docking station with their smartphone and adds large buttons for easy access, like hands-free speakerphone use. Dock'n Drive is available free for iOS and Android phones and allows the driver to set large shortcuts to favorite driving apps that are used while driving, like GPS directions. iOnRoad Smarter Driver


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