Persuasive Essay On Cyber Theft

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In the US there are 556 million cases of cyber theft reported in a year, 1.5 million reported in a day and 18 per second by the time I finish reading this sentence, approximately 180 people will have had their identities stolen by someone else through the use of their personal device and documents, in fact, someone may already be on your phone, with access to your texts, phone calls, and browser history. I don't know about you, but when I use a private tab I expect it to be private. Is this not an invasion of privacy. The fourth amendment, created on September 25, 1787, prohibits unreasonable search, seizure, and a right to privacy, conversely, we allow our law enforcement to break this law. The police should not have the right to search our …show more content…

Consequently, part of the reason is due to our law enforcement. In 2008 two retired policemen who wanted extra cash released private information about sensitive cases to two private detectives, this was later released to the public. It is obvious the police are incapable of keeping private information for extended periods of time nevertheless we the people allow our law enforcement free rein to track anyone they see fit, even with no real involvement, at long as it's for a case, and grant them free access to our private information. Though immature I realize it is not right to give the police free access to our phone without the owner's consent. Though immature I believe that all people be it a man, or woman, old, or young have a right to their privacy. I myself do not know much about law enforcement, but shouldn't the police first job be the protection of the rights of people. I agree that phone tracking may be a useful, easy way to prevent crime, but who are the real criminals, the person who has not been proven guilty or the people who unknowingly what over someone who has done nothing

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