Persuasive Essay On College Tuition

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Throughout my k-12 education, my father stressed how important attending college was. He worked long hours to provide for my brother and I, so that one day we can attend college. My father struggled to pay for tuition when he was a sophomore in college. Which, lead him to dropping out. However, he had a different vision for my brother and I. His goal was for my brother and I to attend college and graduate debt free. Planning 18 years in advance, my father opened the Texas Tomorrow Fund for my brother and I, so that one day we could obtain a college education, without tuition ever haunting us. The debate on college tuition and its benefits has been a controversial topic in America. It is a fact that tuition has been skyrocketing for the past …show more content…

Paul Taylor, lead author and director of the Pew Social and Demographics Trend project, states "the public does have a sense there is a real-world payoff with education."(Adam 2). Taylor conducted a survey, in which people were asked how much more money they made because of having a degree or how much money they did not make because of not having a college degree. Adults who obtained a college degree assume they make $20,000 a year more because of having a degree. Opposed to the adults without a college degree, who assume they earn $20,000 a year less due to having only a high school diploma (Adams 2). This was compared with the 2010 Census Bureau data which demonstrated, adults who earn a college degree make $19,550 a year more than adults who do not obtain a college degree (Adams …show more content…

According to ProCon, a website sponsor of an article called, "Is a College Education Worth It?," during the great recession of 2007-2008, jobs that required a bachelors degree grew by 187,000. As for jobs that required some college or an associate 's degree, decreased by 1.75 million and jobs that required a high school diploma, fell by 5.6 million. "According to a June 2016 study, 99% of job growth (or 11.5 million of 11.6 million jobs) between 2010 and 2016 went to workers with associates, bachelor 's degrees or graduate degrees," explains ProCon ("Is a College. . ." 2). Obtaining a college degree gives an advantage to graduates seeking a job. Although adults with a college degree have a higher salary than those who do not, student debt is hurting college graduates. ProCon says, "between 2003 and 2012 the number of 25-year-olds with student debt increased from 25% to 43%, and their average loan balance was $20,326 in 2012-a 91% increase since 2003" ("Is a College. . ." 2). Ten percent of graduate students have over $40,000 in debt and roughly 1% have over $100,000 in debt ("Is a College. . ." 2). With student debt on the rise, it will be a strong defense on whether college is worth it or

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