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Effects of global warming on the ecosystem
The earths ecosystem and climate change essay
Effects on the Earth from climate change
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Climate change presents a disputable and contradictory concern, dividing the human race into two groups: those who believe in it, and those who do not. The dispute seems to be one between fact and fiction. Climate change and other events have been devastating lives of millions of people worldwide for years. Not all Americans believe that Climate Change exists and affects our Earth every day. Only two-thirds of the population believe that climate change exists due to the the evidence scientists and researchers have found. Because climate change affects our Earth negatively more and more each day, humans need to take the responsibility to fix this issue.
Climate Change affects our Earth every day and can lead to substantial and threatening issues.
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Those in areas more vulnerable to droughts and by causing health problems for plants and animals, especially. Sadly, this can lead to extinction. As climate change continues, more natural disasters are scheduled to be more frequent. The change happening to the Earth today will cause much monumental and more natural hazards, causing people to leave their homes. As Jay Egeland said “Climate change is our generation’s greatest challenge”, meaning uncertainty of what lies in our future becomes one of our biggest issues due to the slow, yet rapid climate change the world …show more content…
The increase in global temperatures is linked to aggression, violence, and high suicide rates. The temperatures impact people’s mental state. People become more drained, leading to pessimistic thoughts and feelings. “"Coldness is an indicator for alertness and self-control,” Shalev says” (Leung). This means that colder weather inspires people to be more attentive. Warmer temperatures usually cause people to be more irritable and sad due to being sweaty and uncomfortable. If global temperatures continue to expand, the mental state of many may
Earth’s average temperature has increased about 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880 and another degree could cause even more problems than there already are. Climate change is an important issue to be aware of because it is real and it affects you and the things around you each and every day. Every day animals lose habitats and die because climate change caused there home to burn, or their food sources started to deplete, etc. Along with these, more and more CO2 is being released into the air due to wildfires burning which is causing the atmosphere to heat even more. With the temperature increasing the oceans will become warmer and evaporation and rainfall patterns will change which will affect humans and animals, because we all work together in a system. There are many consequences of climate change like human health issues, and more animals becoming endangered, but the most important consequence is the rising amounts of wildfires.
The weather conditions play a major influential role in a person’s daily life. Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors have be linked with different weather conditions, depending on the person. Different moods and behaviors have been correlated with different weather conditions, further proving its psychological effect. However, these same psychological influences have been examined to be more physiologically affecting. In this paper, the role of weather conditions, (positive and negative), in relation to their influence on behavioral health will be reviewed. It is hypothesized that exposure to constantly fluctuating levels of high barometric pressure will lead to negative behavior. The following literature reviews will demonstrate and support this hypothesis.
Because the Earth is slowly warming up, heat waves, for example, have been occurring more frequently and for longer durations. According to the Climate Communications, “In 2010, 19 countries set new all-time record high temperatures, but not a single country set a new all-time record…” (Overview). Comparing this to Gore’s speech, eighteen countries have experienced all new highs in heat since the European heat wave in 2003. This increase in temperature is due to the shifting of the climates in specific regions as an after effect of global warming.
Furthermore, it has a dramatic effect on us physically by keeping our immune system at its best and giving our bodies essential vitamins that we could not live without. The main point is that sunlight has a direct effect on a person’s mental wellbeing, physical health, and overall quality of life. Some people might doubt that sun exposure can affect someone psychologically, but the facts cannot be denied. All that data aside, you probably experience this on a daily basis. I conducted a survey to see how local weather affected peoples’ moods.
Due to climate changes, we are a “gradual and uncertain rather than immediate and obvious” process, we as humans cannot understand it (Jamieson, 102). In addition, climate change effects have no geographical bounds and because very few people pay attention to events that occur beyond national boundaries, most people are oblivious to its existence. Jamieson makes the point that climate change must be thought rather than sensed, and we as humans are not very good at thinking (Jamieson, 103). On top of that, even if we succeed in thinking that something is a threat, we are less reactive than if we sense that it is a threat. Since we cannot even comprehend climate change's presence in our world right now, it also makes it extremely difficult for us to comprehend how our anthropogenic actions of today will affect future generations all over the world.
Climate change has become of the world’s major issue today. The earth’s climate is always changing in a very fast and also in different ways. Climate changes affect our lives psychologically, emotional and also physically. Climate change is defined as a long term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to the increase in the average atmospheric temperatures. Due to this change in temperature, a lot of changes has occurred in our environment, these changes include rising sea levels, flooding, melting of polar ice caps, hotter days, colder nights and heat waves. These climate changes plays an important role in shaping our natural ecosystem, our human economics and also the most important, it affects the human race. For
Environmental psychology is concern with real problems that occurs from the environment that affects the quality of human’s and other living species life. Research applies that the environment and human’s are unite as one and both depends on one another to stabilize the earth. The environment influences the individual’s behavior, mood, emotions, motivation, or psychological processes to either adapt or adjust to environmental changes. One variable in the environment that is responsible for mood changing that affects the individual’s behavior is light. Proper lighting is needed to balance some individual’s moods and emotions; therefore, Seasonal changes, affects some individuals psychologically. Seasonal Affect Disorder will be defined to demonstrate how the environment affects individuals psychologically. In addition, at least one article will be analyzed to show how seasonal changes influences mood swings, sleep deprivation, weight gain, weight lose, or intrinsic motivation (Veitech & Arkkelin,1995).
My parents grew up in small town in Mexico. There was a little river that went through part of the town when they were growing up. Every weekend or so they would go out and would go swimming with their families, it almost became a tradition to go swimming there until they noticed that the river 's water level was becoming smaller and smaller. Today there is no river anymore, instead it 's a road that travels through the town. Every time I visit my family in Mexico it would alway be nice and warm up until this year when I went in December. I remember waking up and getting ready to go to my aunt 's house in clothes for warm weather. As I open the door, the cold air punch me and I saw snowflakes falling down. It 's not supposed to snow in that
The Earth is currently locked in perpetuating spiral of climate change. While the global climate has unarguably been changing since the dawn of it's manifestation, the once steadied ebb and flow of climate change has become increasingly more unpredictable.The risk of rising sea levels, and drought plaguing the fresh water supply, during the time that flooding and sporadic storm conditions turn once fully inhabited regions into uninhabitable death traps. Climate change catalyzed by human's increased production of carbon dioxide, is more noticeable than ever in our recorded history (United States, 2014 National Climate Assessment). Thankfully however, with the changing weather conditions due to carbon related emissions, the change in public opinion about their personalized influence on climate change is also increasing. Kevin Liptak Jethro Mullen, and Tom Cohen note that In reaction to the most recent governmental report on climate change, even the U.S. government believes that a stronger approach needs to be taken to correct our self-generated cataclysm.
Climate change is an inevitable phenomenon that is being experienced globally in various forms, such as temperature rise. Sea level rise, droughts, floods, hurricanes, landslides, etc. According to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC project, even with immediate implementation of mitigation strategies, global climate change will continue for decades. Climate change is inflicting serious consequences on human wellbeing and will continue to inflict damage in the future. It is estimated that global temperature will rise by 1.8 oC - 4.0 oC by the end of the 21st century (Izaurraade, 2009).
With a group of peers the consensus was that good weather increases productivity soon became clear it was incorrect and the survey by the group done only supports the claim of bad weather helps productivity. It further shows the belief of the misconception but with the research done it implies heavily that good weather does not increase a person’s mood therefore in the study done Lee, Gino, & Staats (Denissen J. J. A,Penke L, Butalid L. Aken M. A. G. van 2008; 666).
Of all the effects of global warming, the extreme weather that is taking place all over the world is the most obvious one. Global warming will bring more heat waves, drought, fiercer wildfires and stronger hurricanes. “This intensification of weather and climate extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives” (75 yrs NWF). Due to rising temperatures, places everywhere will be affected as we get more extremely hot summer days and lesser winters. In addition, as these rising temperatures shifts the cycle of rain and increases evaporation, there will be longer and drier droughts which in turn can lower the water supply for life everywhere. Wildfires can turn out to be even more catastrophic due to warmer temperatures and drier areas combined with accumulated levels of fuel loads in the forest which has built up as a result of decades of fire suppression activities. Moreover, stronger hurricanes are also an effect of global warming as sea levels are rising and heavier rains are falling near the coasts. Overall, global warming is bringing climates that are changing real fast.
It 's life-undermining and it 's influencing us now. A worldwide temperature alteration is expanding the recurrence and force of a few sorts of outrageous climate. For instance, warming is bringing on more rain to fall in substantial deluges. There are likewise longer dry periods between rainfalls. This, combined with more dissipation because of higher temperatures, heightens dry spell. Wet spots have gotten wetter, while dry spots have ended up drier. Warm waves have turned out to be more regular and exceptional, while extremely cold days have diminished. A dangerous atmospheric deviation is bringing more continuous and serious warmth waves, and the outcome will be not kidding for defenseless populations. More to a great degree hot summer days are anticipated for all aspects of the nation, and 30 vast urban areas are particularly vulnerable. Unfortunately, atmosphere models demonstrate that a normal summer in 2050 will have significantly more days’ garnish 90°F if an unnatural weather change proceeds with unabated. Heat waves lopsidedly affect individuals who are poor, elderly, kids, or have asthma or coronary illness, or live in enormous urban
The Centers for Disease Control have been involved in studying global warming's effect on human health. Its affect on the climate can adversely affect humans. Plagues have been attributed to global warming. An increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases or the agents spreading them.” Global warming will lead to more precipitation, which enables infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread.” (2) Effects of global warming on human health might not be immediately detected.
“Besides taking a hit on our ability to spend time outside, both in extreme and everyday cases, weather can have a real impact on our health and well-being” (Gregoire). The impact of weather upon a person goes beyond their choice of apparel or their plans for the day; it can directly affect a person’s mood, for better or for worse. Do the dark, gray skies on a rainy day actually cause someone to feel gloomy? Would someone be more prone to smiling if they were feeling the warmth of the sun against their skin? If the general public was surveyed, the majority of people would say that weather has little to no impact on a person’s mood (Grohol). However, with more in depth research and a wider spectrum of people studied, it has been found that there is a strong correlation between weather and one’s mood. Similar to the weather, peoples’ moods are constantly changing. A person’s mood can be affected in various ways, but one of the most common is by the weather. The affects can be severe; ranging from chronic depression to excessive happiness. Although these two phenomena appear to be unrelated, the fact that they are simultaneously changing in relation to each other is an indication that they are indeed associated.