Persuasive Essay On Child Abuse

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Imagine a small innocent five year old, whose only worries should be their toy cars and coloring pages. Yet everyday on their way home from school they prepare themselves for a broken arm, to endure abusive insults or today might be the day they get touched in a private area. All children should be treated with a kind heart. They should be nurtured and spoken to softly and given confidence to build for when they grow up and go out into the real world. Parents should be dedicated to their child’s needs and they should work hard on making their child the best they can be. Children should not be tormented or misused for any reason. A child continuously being beaten is a way of torment, and does not teach a child anything and is cruel and unusual punishment that is illegal and no child should ever have to experience. Child abuse is a very sensitive issue for the fact that it is an uncomfortable topic and people often do not report it because they are afraid of being wrong. Child abuse is one of many problems in this world and it has not been acknowledged properly, therefore more funding and organizations need to be put together to stop this abuse. Child abuse is the maltreatment of a minor, it consists of anything that endangers a child physically or emotionally. Child abuse can be preformed by someone other then that particular child’s parent and children of all races or ages can be abused. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and child neglect are all the different types of child abuse. There are many different types of child abuse but all in all the outcome will always be the emotional toll that child receives. Physical child abuse is when someone deliberately tries to cause bodily harm to a child, for whatever reason lea... ... middle of paper ... ...but still not always able to mentally understand why or what happened to them. This takes a great toll on the life of an individual depending on how bad the abuse was, and it can cause a lot of mental and emotional confusion. Many child abuse victims do not know how to keep the right mind set and become mentally unstable. This adds a lot of unnecessary conflict to the world that could be prevented all with just an ordinary person standing up for what is right. Imagine again you are a child on your way home from school and today you cannot wait to get home to your loving family. You are excited all because the people in the world took a stand and acknowledged child abuse and have been working together reducing it. Child abuse is one of many problems in this world, more funds and organizations need to be put together to help get rid of it.

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