Persuasive Essay On Cardiovascular Exercise

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Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of your heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport and utilize oxygen. Cardiovascular exercises help control weight, prevent diseases and health conditions, improves mood, boosts energy, and it increases stamina.
Regular cardiovascular exercise strengthens your heart over time. As your cardiovascular fitness improves, your heart doesn’t need to pump that fast because it delivers more blood and oxygen with each pump. The resting heart rate of a normal adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. A professional athlete may only have 40 to 60 beats per minute.
Your target heart rate is where you should aim for when you are doing cardiovascular exercises. It keeps you from not exercising enough and also over-exerting …show more content…

If you want to maintain your current weight, improve heart health, reduce risks of cancer and avoid diseases, 75 minutes of vigorous exercise such as running and 150 minutes of moderate exercise like walking per week is all you need. However, if you are exercising in order to lose weight, you may need as much as 300 minutes of cardio each week, which is about an hour of exercise five times per week. The specific amount of cardio you'll need to do, though, depends on your diet and weight-loss goals. For example, a 180-pound person can expect to burn approximately 240 calories during 30 minutes of low-impact aerobics. Because it takes a loss of 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat, this person would need to do over seven hours of exercise each week to lose a pound a week if they do not reduce the number of calories in their diets.
There are also four other health fitness components that can improve your overall fitness besides cardiovascular endurance. Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort. Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue. Flexibility is the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of motion. Body composition is the ratio of your body fat to the amount of lean muscles, bones, and

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