Persuasive Essay On Carbon Tax

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If every person in the United States continues to live the way they do, it would take five planet Earths to provide for everyone. Over one million species are faced with the possibility of extinction as a result of disappearing habitats, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans. By 2040 the Arctic is expected to have its first ice free summer ever. The United States government needs to implement a carbon tax on burning fossil fuels in order to protect and prevent the destruction of our planet through funding from those who threaten it. Such a tax would be market based and imposed on large companies in order to reduce our carbon emissions into the atmosphere. It would not only improve our environment, but also increase our economy and relations …show more content…

And all the while of these facts are proven to be true, yet why are we still denying the fact that climate change is real? And why are we still continuing our behaviors that scientists have proven are 95% of the attribution cause of global warming? We need to make a change and implementing a carbon tax is one of the best ways known so far to do so. A carbon tax is a market-based tax on the burning of carbon and greenhouse gases emitted into our atmosphere. It encourages expansive companies to reduce their carbon emissions and holds them accountable for how much carbon they produce. Charles Komanoff and Dan Rosenblum created the tax with the purpose of educating and informing policymakers, opinion leaders and the general public on the excessive amounts of carbon in our atmosphere. More specifically the tax would bring the private cost of producing carbon, how much it costs the individual to produce the carbon, …show more content…

Such benefits surely outweigh the harms, creating a healthier and safer world for us to live in. Not only would this tax obviously help the environment in many more ways than one, it would boost the economy and help us create new energy initiatives that would lead us to more clean and renewable solutions. Numerous studies show the positive effects that a new tax would have on our climate change situation. A study conducted through the “Hamilton Project,” shows that carbon emissions would be cut by twelve percent in the first twenty years and by a third before 2050 ( Morris, “The Many Benefits of a Carbon Tax” ). This produces a cumulative total of 20,282.5 pounds of carbon dioxide saved from our atmosphere in the first two decades of this tax. An amount of carbon that if taken out of the atmosphere, would reduce our carbon emissions by a substantial amount and would lead us towards a more promising future. Humans are currently 95% of all the reasons behind climate change, and therefore anything we can do would drastically increase our current situation. The United Nations has currently decided that we must have a limit of 450 parts per million in order to maintain our planet ( Tyson, “The Myriad Benefits of a Carbon Tax” ). If we continue our current actions, we will cross this limit within a matter of decades. And moving into the future, this carbon tax would help our

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