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Negative effects of climate change
Effects on our planet from climate change
Negative impacts of climate change
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The characteristics stated above of Cap and Trade makes it one of the most efficient environmental policies to combat climate change so far. The following substantiates will clear deliver the policy’s cornerstones.
1) Encourage sustainable businesses and people to reduce emissions
As the firms have to pay extra costs of what they produce and emit, they have to clearly bring sustainability as the main target of their businesses in order to reduce their emissions. Not doing so, will drop the profits in their business as they have to pay the price for extra emitted carbon. Further it will bring down their reputation from those companies in the market whose carbon labelling will be better. Thus they will have no choice but to take actions. They have to bring sustainability to the core target of their firm. On other hand, it would engage the thoughtful attention of every household and enterprise to the effort to reduce emissions.[6] (Repetto, Cap and Trade is Better Climate Policy than a Carbon Tax, 2013) Each emitter, direct or indirect, would face higher prices for fossil-based energy and for energy intensive goods and services. Each one would then be motivated to find ways to minimize those cost increases in the least onerous way. All the resourcefulness and creativity that the economy and population can muster would be engaged in the effort, not because of environmental commitment or citizenship but because of economic self-interest. Although a large majority of Americans believes that greenhouse gases should be reduced, that alone has not been enough to motivate their actions on nearly the scale required. Values must be supported by economic self interest which is present in the cap and trade policy.
2) Cost-effec...
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...stitution: http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxtopics/quickfacts_cap-and-trade.cfm
[9]Repetto, R. (2013, May). Cap and Trade is Better Climate Policy than a Carbon Tax. United Nations Foundation .
[10]Repetto, R. (2013). Cap and Trade is Better Climate Policy than a Carbon Tax.
[11]Reviewing Existing And Proposed Emissions Trading Systems. (2010, Nov). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from International Energy Agency: http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/ets_paper2010.pdf
[12]The EU Emissions Trading Scheme has failed: “Time to scrap the ETS”. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Redd Monitor: http://www.redd-monitor.org/2013/04/16/the-eu-emissions-trading-scheme-has-failed-time-to-scrap-the-ets/
[13]The History of Cap and Trade. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Alternative Fuel Show: http://www.altfuelsnow.com/carbon/cap-and-trade.shtml
Foner, Eric. "Chapter 9: The Market Revolution." Give Me Liberty!: An American History. Third ed. Vol. One. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 332-33. Print.
6. Scheueneman, Tom. "A Carbon Tax is More Viable than Cap and Trade." RSS. 26 July 2012. The Energy Collective. 11 Mar. 2014 .
“At present, the global system for carbon emissions trading is embodied in the Kyoto Treaty,” said Al Gore, which points out that Global Warming is not a national problem, but global problem. The Kyoto Treaty states that parties involved will reduce greenhouse emissions in their nation (United Nations). These facts introduce the idea of transforming this perilous world into an innocuous one. It supports his claim for having a preferable future for all, where there will be no droughts, devastations, deaths, or poverties due to global warming. His repetition of the word “reduce” engages the audience of having a solution to climate change. Mr. Gore continues with his ideas to reduce Global Warming by saying, “...Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CSS)...will play a significant...role as one of the major blocks of a solution to climate crisis.” This fact is an example of a paradox as before this statement he mentioned that CSS, a method to capture the CO2 burned from the burning coal, is an expensive method which most companies resist from using. His use of paradoxes throughout his speech makes the audience rethink their opinions. These statistics are part of many other logically statements that Mr. Gore used to support his claim. Some of these logical procedures include; electronic cars, reduction of renewable
The Kyoto Protocol was an international agreement on climate change. It was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on December 11,1997. Kyoto Protocol is designed to help countries adapting to the harmful effects of climate change. Under the Protocol, countries must be monitored on their emission use. Germany keeps an international transaction log to make sure that transaction are logical with the rules of the Protocol. The decision was to save the government an estimated $14 billion in penalties. Environment minister Peter Kent argued that the Kyoto Protocol does not cover the world’s largest two emitters, the United States and China and that is why the Kyoto Protocol would not work. Withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol and joining the UNFCCC was a big move by Canada. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the key international forum for global efforts to address the challenges posed by climate change. Canada Joined the UNFCCC in 1992 along with other nations. The agreement came into force in 1994 and now has near universal membership with 194 other countries.
The pollution quotient remains constant world-wide too, though the government of that particular country is positively impacting the negative externality. So, it can be concluded that levying carbon tax does not change the amount of world-wide pollution, instead it adversely affects business or industrial opportunities in a country. And as per consumer behavior, this situation leads to the indifference of customers where they really have no preference for one over the other.
Quasem, AA, Jafaar, AH & Chamhuri, S 2010, 'Climate change mitigation and Policy Concern for Prioritization', International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management , vol. 2, No 4, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK.
We humans cannot help but feel a twinge of regret when we contemplate how we brought forth the plague of global warming by our own hands in the passing years. Aside from rising sea levels as deluging coastal cities and depleting ozone layers as increasing cancer rates, we inevitably come face to face with one simple realization: it’s getting too hot in here. Moreover, we have been devastated by various extremes of nature, with spring frost storms and summer hurricanes arriving with increasing frequency. However, numerous though the causes of global warming may be, the general consensus is that carbon dioxide, which results from the burning of fuels such as coal, is the main culprit; this gas has now formed a high concentration blockade in the atmosphere, preventing heat from escaping and thus increasing the temperatures of our planet. Therefore, after assessing all facts of the problem, I humbly propose that we collect the CO2¬, compress it, and then place it into soda cans. Then, we shall store the soda cans underground, whence the CO2 originally came.
David, Suzuki. “Carbon Offsets Are One of Many Solutions Needed for Global Warming.” Current Controversies: Carbon Offsets. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Print.
Caperton, Richard W. "A Progressive Carbon Tax Will Fight Climate Change and Stimulate the Economy." Center for American Progress. N.p., 6 Dec. 2012. Web. The Web.
Terborgh, Andrew. "The Post-War Rise of World Trade: Does the Bretton Woods System Deserve Credit?” Department of Economic History, London School of Economics. Sept. 2003: p. 1-73.Web. 13 Apr. 2014. .
The GHG Protocol is the most widely used and international accepted accounting tool or methodology to quantify, and manage GHG emissions. It serves as the foundation for nearly every GHG standard and program in the world - from the International Standards Organization (ISO) to The Climate Registry - as well as hundreds of GHG inventories prepared by individual companies. The GHG Protocol also offers developing countries an internationally accepted management tool to help their businesses to compete in the global marketplace and their governments to make informed decisions about climate chang...
But how do you motivate companies to not be selfish in trying to get as much profit as they can? We all know that for a lot of companies, giving back to the environment more than likely, will take away from what they profit. But what if there are ways to make it possible to keep it inexpensive and what if we can regulate just how much a company needs to give?
Climate change is a big issue around the world. There are many opinions on climate change and what makes it happen. A lot of people believe that greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide, that is produced by us, is making the climate change. Others believe that it is because of natural occurrences that have made climate change occur. I believe that climate change has occurred because of natural causes. So, I believe that the United States shouldn’t impose a carbon tax.
Humans have been destroying the planet since we were able to stand on two legs. As a society, we need to work to reverse these terrible effects that our existence has on the planet. Sustainability is one way to begin reversing these effects, while still living our daily lives. In 2006, Al Gore presented his documentary, “ An Inconvenient Truth”, as a way to show the world the evidence behind global warming, climate change and the destruction of our planet. This documentary shocked the world. It was clear that changes needed to be made, but the destruction was more intense than previously thought. SInce this revelation in 2006, companies have tried to cut down on their greenhouse emissions, as well as offered sustainable products to their customers. Through a debate of morals and
...empts at doing our part. But what is really needed is change at national and global levels. Only by convincing leaders to create laws that improve our energy policy, and pushing companies to adopt sustainable business practices on a global level, can we see real change. (EDF - Environmental Defense Fund , 2015) We need laws, polices, and infringes…..etc. whatever it takes in order to get our CO2 emissions under control. There are plenty of ways to improve on the current state of global warming like limiting global warming pollution, utilizing renewable energy, drive smarter vehicles, or even drive less. However small the action any change in our normal day to day can still help tremendously especially when done by a large number of people. We have to remember that this is the only planet we have and global warming is a global issue that needs to be taken seriously.