Persuasive Essay On Blood Donation

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Making the World Better One Pint at a Time
Many people have heard of blood drives and blood transfusions, but a lot of people do not give blood a second thought when it comes to making a donation to an organization. There are many reasons why blood is the perfect way to give to the community, particularly if you do not have extra money for financial donations. There are so many ways to help out in the world so why not give something that you have plenty of? The American Red Cross, a nationally recognized organization, is the largest supplier of blood and blood-related products. (American Red Cross, n.d.). Even though it can be scary, it is worth it to donate blood because of the demand, the satisfaction of helping others, plus the lack of …show more content…

The World Health Organization pointed out that “blood donation by 1% of the population can meet a nation’s most basic requirements for blood” (, n.d.) It’s crazy to think that just one percent of us need to donate, but we don’t. It is very easy to overlook how much blood one single person may need; such as a victim of a car accident. This person could require nearly 100 units, depending on their injuries. Red Cross also states that around “36,000 units of blood are needed daily” (n.d.). In addition to the aforementioned, there are many other wonderful facts presented on the Red Cross …show more content…

Luckily, it does not cost money to donate blood; only a little bit of time. From start to finish, a whole blood donation takes about an hour and fifteen minutes to complete. However, the American Red Cross states that it only takes between eight and ten minutes to collect the blood itself. There are some other types of donations that take a little longer, such as power red blood cells. You can make a whole blood donation once every eight weeks, or 56 days. It is important to wait between donations because it takes around four to six weeks for the red blood cells to replenish

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