After Zimmerman was acquitted, protest erupted across the United States. The protestors were calling for justice for the slain teen, Trayvon Martin. People voiced their outrage via traditional local marching and social media. As soon as the verdict was announced, Alicia Garza, a worker’s activist immediately posted on Facebook, “Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter.” From this phrase spawned the controversial term, Black Lives Matter. Patrisse Cullers, a friend and fellow activist of Alicia was the one who actually post the Black Lives Matter hash tag. With the advent and of social media and high tech camera video phones, we have been able to capture police brutality. The police violence against Black people has been happening Black Lives Matter support from African Americans is high as expected. 65% of African American support the movement according to pew I would imagine many African Americans have experienced or know someone who has experienced police brutality or has suffered negative consequences from the police. Our beliefs and values are shaped by our personal experiences. Among whites, 40% support Black Lives Matters and 28% oppose it. This high percentage could be due to two factors. It’s hard to deny a clear cut video depicting police brutality.The elevated percentage could represent guilt of white america’s forefathers enslavement of African Americans. Pew found Latino’s are less likely than whites to support Black Lives Matter. Only 33% strongly support the movement. My perspective on this has to do with our historical background in this country. Hispanics came to America as free people as opposed to African americans who came here as slaves. It is hard to feel someone’s pain if you have not witnessed or experienced it. The history of enslavement of African Americans plays a key role when addressing police brutality. This history has shaped African Americans which affects them to the core unlike other nationalities who came to America willingly and free. This historical perspective explains the different levels of support for Black Lives Matter. The historical perspective can also explain why white america support is higher
Police brutality has been an apparent mark on the struggles, trials, and tribulations of people of minorities for years, primarily Black people. From the times of slavery to the present unlawful targeting and murders of black citizens with no justification, police brutality has been an enema in Black American culture for hundreds of years. Seen both in James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man” and in the current happenings of the United States. The hashtag “#BlackLivesMatter” has been a focal point in the current struggle for equality of the races. The current outpouring of support for black lives and
To illustrate, majority of blacks are stop by police more than any other racial groups. Police brutality is base on ethnicity. Officers seem to target black communities for many reasons. Racist cops might view blacks as less innocent compared to whites. Growing up as an African American you witness hearing your parents telling your male siblings to respect officers and to interact with them differently than they would do their families and friends. After the fatal shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The public wanted justice because the incident was not handled properly. The people wanted to express their concerns. After this incident I remember more allegation from black communities begin surfacing that the police use excessive force against them,
The main claim of the article is that African Americans have been treated unfairly throughout history and are still being treated unfairly compared to Caucasians. One of the reasons given in support of the claim is “In the early 20th century, civil rights groups documented cases in which African-Americans died horrible deaths after being turned away from hospitals reserved for whites, or were lynched — which meant being hanged, burned or dismembered — in front of enormous crowds that had gathered to enjoy the sight.” (Editorial Board, screen 3) Another reason given in support of the claim comes from the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saying “The dead have something to say to a complacent federal government that cuts back-room deals with Southern Dixiecrats, as well as to every Negro who has passively accepted the evil system of segregation and who has stood on the sidelines in a mighty struggle for justice.” (Editorial Board, screen 3) The argument consisted of several components such as quotes from famous activists and referring to historical events involving African Americans being victims. The components are presented in a certain order with the historical events coming first, the quotes from famous activists coming second, and the overall explanation of the Black Lives Matter movement coming
The rhetoric we hear most from Black Lives Matter is that of police brutality, how it’s a black issue, or how it affects blacks more than whites. Well, this too is factually incorrect. Of the White people living in the U.S., forty-nine percent are killed by police officers, as opposed to the thirty percent of blacks. White people comprise sixty-three percent of the population; conversely, black people only make around thirteen percent (Dailywire). These discrepancies can be seen in their “inspirations” as well. Assata Shakur was put on FBI’s most wanted terrorist list after she shot a New Jersey State trooper. Black Lives Matter blindly uses her as their inspiration or teacher(Pibillwarner). Al-Amin, a Muslim, who shot and killed police officer Ricky Kinchen is seen as a hero among the BLM
Black lives matter is a social media movement that went of the Ferguson, Gardner cases etc. Also very rapidly it was to show as a opposition to the police and cops. Somehow when saying black lives matter it was like saying all life matter don’t matter. It’s a touchy subject due to why people view things and for most case I can understand. I feel that the person that made black life’s matter didn’t mean for it to be just all about black life but to inform others around the nation that there is a special problem that is only happening in the African American community and we have fix that issue . we as a society has to recognize this that the African American are not making this up this its not something being politicalized its real and there’s a history behind it so we have to seriously.
American is known for its rich culture and diversity. Black lives matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward black people as defined by google. It was created in 2012 as a call to action for black people after seventeen year old Trayvon Martin was placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable for the crime that he had committed. It was a response for the anti-Black racism that still remains in our society and within the movement itself. It is a movement that goes beyond the killing of black people by police and vigilantes. It calls for the Black community to love each other, live
This movement is called “Black Lives Matter”. The people who were responsible for the creation of this hashtag, which then expanded to be a movement, were three women: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. The way that the people are being used in this topic area is that it implies this notion. In this topic area, “Black Lives Matter” refers to African-Americans who are treated unfairly and blamed for the things that doesn’t have anything to do with them.
Police brutality across all races needs to stop. Movements like Black Lives Matter focus on only one race; however police brutality happens among all ethnic groups. Police brutality can sometimes shut out people who are not of the African American race. If more people supported the All Lives Matter movement, this could truly bring the discussion of police brutality to the table. It can be more difficult to do this when we focus on just one community of individuals.
Black Lives Matter is not a bandwagon to hop on, nor is it a hashtag or a slogan. Black Lives Matter is a movement. To not support the movement or to think that the movement does not need support is outright depraved, demeaning and degrading. We too often think that retweeting, tweeting or sharing a photo on social media is supporting the movement and it’s not! This is no longer the 1960’s. We have gained our rights: that is no longer the fight. The fight is receiving justice for our black people, so no effective protesting is no longer sitting at countertops, it is no longer peaceful marching and it is no longer bus boycotting The new protest is to educate ourselves, to show respect, to get involved in the justice system, to raise black lawyers, to vote and to do jury duty. All of these things are needed to benefit the movement in stopping the corruptness in our justice system.
Police brutality and racism has been in our country for hundreds of years. African Americans across America are viewed as what a typical criminal looks like. Black males have been shot and killed by white police officers and those
A seven-year study conducted by USA Today analyzing the FBI’s justifiable homicide database revealed that 96 percent of all cases involve Black people dying at the hands of white police officers, who are rarely indicted, let alone brought to trial.” (Kaplan 2014). “Some have called the Black Lives Matter a hate group whose rhetoric is partially responsible for the recent shooting of a sheriff in Texas”. Police cars were destroyed, and several police were injured.
First off Black Lives Matter is a powerful organization that has gained national attention. The movement was started in 2012, after the death of seventeen year Trayvon Martin. A very controversial trial came about, against a police officer named George Zimmerman who had shot the young black man. The main goal of black lives matter is to prevent
The statement “Black Lives Matter” has greatly evolved within the last year. If you support this side, you believe these words correlate with the unneeded and over excessive use of police brutality against African Americans compared to police brutality against whites, bringing racism soaring back into the US. As you may know, the statement became more predominant after the murder of African Americans
Black Lives Matter is an international activist movement, originating in the African American community. It campaigns against violence toward black people and has become a uniting call for an innovative chapter in the black freedom fight. The clearance of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 stimulated this movement. Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of Black lives; but mainly about the lack of consequences when African American lives are taken by Caucasian officers. The question is; do black lives truly matter to those that claim to protect it? The answer is no they do not because the movement’s alleged “peaceful” protests continuously
Black Lives Matter is not a movement that believes all lives do not matter; nevertheless, it highlights the fact that black lives are taken for granted by the judicial system. Protests around the world have taken place to fight for justice in the black community. The immense number of deaths of unarmed black men and women is a clear sign that they are more likely to be killed by police than white people. Physical violence and excessive use of force by the U.S. police towards African Americans are seen in the news regularly.