Persuasive Essay On American Freedom

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America, a country based on the freedom to openly display the many beliefs of its citizens, has began to face opposition from the citizens which the country fights every day trying to protect. Against all odds, worshipers are still free to worship and spread the knowledge of one's religion. American freedoms according to the Constitution of Independence are a countries natural God given rights. Regardless of nationality, everyone is entitled to the liberties and freedoms America allows. Thousands of soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to keep these freedoms alive. Standing with one's hat off and right hand over one's heart is the way that American citizens respects these soldiers and their families. Although denying these expectations are completely legal, many people do not believe it is acceptable. In fact, living in a free country everyone is expected to uphold these ideological views. The American flag is a very personified object to the American population. While the flag is only material it holds the idea of the American dream. Highly regarded celebrities are now openly refusing to conform to these expectations due to how a certain race is being treated. No matter how many people …show more content…

If America did not stand up to the other nations the same way Kaepernick stood against the bias of his race there would be no independent nation. Kaepernick is sitting down and saying I will not salute a flag that represents a country where my race is treated so harshly. This freedom to stand up for your rights is exactly what the soldiers overseas are fighting for , moreover , Kaepernick is only taking advantage of these rights. Declining to stand up does not mean Kaepernick hates the flag or the country it represents, he is simply showing his freedom of speech for causes he believes should be

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