Argumentative Essay On The Declaration Of Independence

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The United States of America, as a new nation had to prove that it’s young, and relatively inexperienced country had the ability to peaceably govern. There wasn’t anyone who believed in us, except ourselves much like Alexandra Owens in Flashdance, all we had was a dream of being the best nation we could be, and we knew in our heart of hearts that even though we didn’t have the experience or the formal education, we could work hard and become better than all the rest. The Declaration of Independence is essentially our open break up letter with England making clear that it is over, and we don’t want to go to the dance with them, and we’re playing by our own rules now. If the declaration is the break-up letter, The Constitution would be like …show more content…

And the Declaration of Independence that was signed in Philadelphia declares in no uncertain terms that any group of people have the right to be self determining…” and “have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances…” Essentially making it impossible to commit treason when establishing a new society. However, the Constitution of the United States that was signed by thirty-nine participating delegates, gives the government the power to accuse citizens of treason if they commit acts deemed to be friendly to enemies of the United States. Those examples more than show the contradictions, however it should be noted that the framers of the constitution very much wanted America to succeed, and they felt that their plan of a free country was doomed to fail if they did not establish a few ground rules to keep this experiment in freedom from failing. It was just unfortunate and a bit ironic that after a decade of tumultuous governing, the framers came to the conclusion that the very thing needed to keep freedom from failing was less …show more content…

The Constitution is our code of conduct, it is what we choose to live by, we amend it as time goes on, adding provisions for ourselves to live in this new world. The Declaration is battle cry from two hundred and thirty eight years ago, but that battle is over, and the struggle that pertains to the constitution persists to this very day. There are people, including our President who is a constitutional lawyer, that are dedicated to preserving the ideals that is set forth in the living document that changes for better or worse, with America

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