Persuasive Essay On Affordable Care Act

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During one of the most closely followed presidential races in United States history, Senator Obama made incredibly bold promises. One of those promises was a universal health care plan. In 2009 the fight for and against the Affordable Care Act swept the nation. Every news pundit and citizen had their own speculations about health care reform. The number one argument was to proclaim the Affordable Care Act socialist. Consequently, if the United States were to adopt a universal health care system, we would spiral into the terrible world of socialism. Making socialism sound as if the United States were to adopt socialism we would become like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, under the thumb of a cruel dictator. This argument is incredibly ignorant and childish. Any republican congressman/woman and senator will rail against …show more content…

The Affordable Care Act in its first draft was a basic expansion of the Medicare/Medicaid programs to include everyone in the United States. Instead, after the fighting on Capitol Hill the law changed dramatically. Now we have to pay into an insurance plan from private companies unless a state decides to expand their Medicaid/Medicare system to truly make insurance affordable. A considerable number of state governments are still voting against a Medicare/Medicaid expansion in their state. State representatives are voting to refuse the federal funding that would benefit several Americans without access to affordable health care. It is ultimately up to the people to hold their representatives accountable by voting them in or out of office. The new health care plans of today and of the future bring us closer to our goal of universal health care. Therefore we must look to the past to move the discussion for universal health care forward. Considering everyone deserves a roof over their head, food in their belly, and access to health care; we must come agree upon a

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