Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Did you know that zoos help many animals survive? Also, did you know that zookeepers feed them the proper food so they don’t get sick? I will always say yes to keeping zoos because they help many animals. The purpose of this paper is to persuade that zoos are beneficial to people and animals. The focus of this paper is zoos save species, you can learn and see the animals up close, and that zoos feed the right nutrients to the animals.

Did you know that zoos save endangered and non-endangered animals from dying? If you didn’t know that, well it’s true. Plus if they have trouble mating in the wild, zoos help them. Odd, but, true. People talk about these things all the time and in a debate people even say “nature is far more dangerous and cruel than the zoos we go to.” Which is very true, I do agree strongly that he is very right, about that whole sentence really I love how we treat animals in the zoo but sometime the people are right when they say, “we are far more casual and harsh to people, more than to animals”, So that would mean that if we were mean to animals than there would be a lot less. …show more content…

Zoos provide opportunities for scientific research. They have many education programs for children, and adults. You could go right now and go to the education programs to learn about animals and the marvelous and dreadful things about animals. The zoo’s (all of them, no matter which one you go to) has family attractions, from zoos and

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