Persuasive Essay About Helping The Homeless

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If I had the chance to spend several hours in my communIty, I would go out and help the homeless. Many homeless people don’t have family members willing to help them because most of the time the individual does not want to help themselves and it is hard to help someone like that. Even though these people may not be not want to help themselves, they still have feelings and they deserve to have someone there for them just like we have someone there for us when we fall. Society seems to see homeless people as they amount to nothing. We tend to think that we are better than a man or woman sitting on the side of the street that has nowhere to go, when in reality we are no better than them because we could be in the same position one day. No one ever knows why they are homeless and why they don’t have anyone to help them. Usually when you meet someone homeless, they have the biggest heart and they will usually give you the shirt off their back even though they do not have anything else. We should not be so greedy and we should help, care, and encourage the homeless to better themselves so that they can do the same for someone else one day. …show more content…

If we would stop every time we had extra time and ask someone homeless, “Do you need anything?” or “ Could I help you with something?” it would show that we cared for them and we do not look at them any different than anyone else, If we showed we cared about them then they would be more encouraged to better themselves. If anyone in the world had a feeling that they was not cared for, I am sure it would be someone homeless because they do not have no to actually show them they are worth something and they can be anyone they set their mind to

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