Personality: My Family and Life

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Personality; Everyone has one, but no two peoples personalities are the same. Personality is mostly made up of who you are and the basic qualities and beliefs that a person has. The dictionary definition for Personality is A: The Sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. B: The organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.( An individuals beings personality is how he fits into society . No one has the same personality of another. He may have similar qualities but never can their personalities be exactly the same.

Personality is made up of three parts Biological Influence, Psychological Influence, and Social Influence.(Exploring Psychology David Myers) A persons Biological Influence is made up of is someone’s genetically determined temperament and the autonomic nervous system and his brain activity. Psychological Influences are made up of a persons learned responses, his unconscious thought processes and his optimistic or pessimistic point of view. The Social- Cultural influences are made up of childhood experiences and a persons cultural expectation and social support. As years pass, life gets more and more complicated, especially the teenage years. Everyone’s personalities are always changing, which is natural because of the changes that they go through in life. Something that happens to them may change the way they think about that situation forever.

I am a teenager myself and from experience I can tell you that my personality has changed drastically from what it was two years ago. My freshman year of High School my personality was barely there my opinions on anything weren’t really formed. I didn’t know what was going on in the wor...

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... happen. I don’t believe in forcing something into happening.

I may be sixteen years old but I have gone through a lot already. I’ve lost friends I’ve made new ones. I learned so much specially this past year. My friendship that had lasted more than a decade ended. If I can get through that then everything else is a piece of cake in my opinion. As of now I am still an adolescent which means that I still have a lot of growing to do. Even though my opinions are pretty solid at the moment My opinions will change and so will my perspectives. The older I get the more differently I will see things. Which will tend to change the type of person that I am growing to be. The people that I have a lot in common with now I may grow apart from because of my changing opinions and thoughts. As time passes people change and so do their personalities. That one change is inevitable.

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