Personal Story Of Grandparents

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I would like to mention a personal story which involves my own paternal grandparents.

Unlike most love stories where you find two people attracted to each other at first sight, going all romantic and gooey and realizing they are meant for each other, this one is a little different. There were no sparks flying, there was no skipping of a few heart beats. There was no violin playing in the background. In fact my grandparents never even met before marriage akin to most Indian couples who got married in the 50's. They were born in a small town and had an arranged marriage.

Their love slowly grew with time.

My grand mom soon after marriage contacted some infection which left her blind in one eye. I have never found the guts to ask her - how or when and if it changed her life in anyway. She was very pretty from what I have heard from my relatives and losing an eye surely must have crushed her but it sure as hell did not change the love my grandpa had for her. Their bond only grew stronger and they learned to accept slowly each other flaws and limitations.

She had a miscarriage which a...

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