Personal Statement: The Importance Of Diversity As A Dentistry

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Imagine the burning shame and crippling self-consciousness you would feel if you had to walk around with one of your front teeth cracked for over a month simply because your parents couldn’t afford to get it treated promptly. Now multiply that intense feeling of embarrassment three-fold, since this happened to a very image-conscious, fourteen-year-old me three days before my first day of high school. As both a minority and as someone who comes from an economically disadvantaged background, I have had experiences that have shaped me to understand the frustration and stigma that is associated with not having the privilege of access to health care simply because of where you live and your financial situation. My experiences have also made me aware of the importance of diversity in …show more content…

I am fortunate that my experiences have made me aware of these things so that when I do return to these communities as a dentist, I can not only better serve my patients as a provider, but I can also be a leading advocate for the change that is so desperately needed by the individuals in these communities. As I continue along my career path in dentistry, I intend to keep volunteering in dental clinics in underserved communities as well as participating in formal organizations such as Saving Smiles to more effectively address these issues as well as enhance my understanding of the dental field. Perhaps while I serve in these communities, I can inspire and support future health professionals that will continue to advance the incredible changes that our health fields are currently

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