Personal Statement: I Want to Revolutionize Our World

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I Want to Revolutionize Our World

When I was eight, I wanted to be an astronaut so I could explore the moon and go to the stars. Now that I am eighteen, I have decided I want to build the spacecraft that will take others to the moon and the stars. In my college experience, I want to gain the knowledge and insights that will enable me to fulfill my dream of designing and testing spacecraft.

For the past three semesters, I have conducted research in the Aerospace Engineering Department at Mississippi State University. My research has confirmed my decision to major in aerospace engineering, and has sparked my continuing interest in aerospace engineering research. My research has been incorporated into the two required freshman aerospace labs, ASE1013 and ASE1023. I want to continue researching throughout my college experience with the professors and students who have become my teammates. My research has made me realize that my dream of being an aerospace engineer is not just a child's whim, but a very realistic goal.

Also essential to a career in aerospace engineering is the Cooperative Education Program. The experience gained in placement with a company during college years serves to reinforce the concepts used in the classroom, as well as to prove one's ability to a future employer. It is my dream to co-op with NASA or Lockheed Martin. These employers are my top choice because I know that I would be able to work closely with spacecraft research. To achieve my goal of placement with NASA or Lockheed Martin I must pursue rigorous studies at MSU and continue a high level of achievement.

During my two years at the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science, I have taken advantage of the most rigorous science and mathematics classes available to high school students in our state. Importantly, however, I have learned many lessons about being away from home. I came to MSMS without knowing any of my classmates, but the bonds I have made with my friends at MSMS will last through the future years. My MSMS friends have become my family, and I want to have the same experience at college.

I want to gain the knowledge in my college experience that will fulfill my dream of becoming an aerospace engineer, as well as the insights that will afford me the lasting friendships that will carry me through my life.

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