Personal Statement Essay: My Desire For Higher Education

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You may not look at my transcripts or my application and know that I am a perfect student, but you should know that I am determined and I do not stop trying until I reach my goals. I have overcome many obstacles to get where I am today. It took over four years for me to earn my Associate in Science from City Colleges of Chicago. On the surface, it may seem like I was procrastinating, but I completed many extra courses and went back to better my grades after personal circumstances made it seem impossible. At times, I repeated courses simply because I knew I could do better. I suffered illness, injury and personal loss, but I never gave up on my desire for higher education. I did not enter college right out of high school because I had no guidance. …show more content…

My son had many challenges during his development and by 2014 it was obvious that he had autism. He is now four years old and non-verbal. My third child, born in 2014, is also considered disabled. The father of my youngest child is still in our life, but we are low-income and struggle to get our children the care they need. I want to work towards a career and make sure my children have the best care possible. I also want to provide families like us with the knowledge and support that can only be provided to them by working in a medical field. I want to have a stable career that I will always enjoy, to guarantee the security of my childrens’ future. I strive to set the best example possible for my children and others around …show more content…

I suffered a severe injury to my ankle at the beginning of 2016, which required surgery and left me in a wheelchair for four months. I was unable to work or even leave my bed on most days, but I still found ways to put my knowledge to use. I wrote articles online for income and volunteered to transcript podcasts for a nutrition show titled It’s All About Food. Most recently I’ve decided to help my children create cards for the organization Cards for Hospitalized Kids. I hope to teach my children that small acts of kindness can improve a persons’ quality of life; a career in pharmaceuticals will help me do that every day.
The struggles I have seen my children go through are part of why I chose to pursue a career in the medical field. My own personal struggles are why I chose pre-pharmacy as my major. For many years, I have had symptoms that doctors and specialists have yet to explain. I have severe allergies and symptoms that interrupt my daily life, but since there is no diagnosis, there is no permanent solution. Pharmaceuticals allow me to find temporary relief so that I can enjoy time with my children and get through each day without pain. I will bring the same sense of relief and freedom to my

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