Personal Statement

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My decision to become a doctor did not come in a moment of blinding revelation, but as

a result of a variety of experiences which began during my first years at college. Before,

attending college, however, I knew I would enter a profession which involved service to others.

Although I had no definite career plans, from childhood, my parents instilled in me values, such

as compassion and respect for others, stressing the importance of giving back to the community.

At college, removed from the protected environment of a small community, I experienced

tremendous growth. Early on in my college career, I took science courses as a part of my

graduation requirement and performed poorly. The science program at my high school left me

ill-prepared for the rigors of a college curriculum, and I lacked the discipline required to do well.

I recovered well from my initial faltering, but my academic self-confidence was shaken, as

previously I had excelled in school. I decided to major in history, for I had loved to read history

when I was growing up and it appealed to me ...

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