Personal Photo Analysis Paper

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Personal Photo Analysis For 19 years, this photo of myself as a child posing with my grandmother has sat on my shelf. Growing up, my grandmother was an integral part of my life. For a majority of my life, she lived in an apartment above our garage. Without a doubt, I spent more of my childhood with her than anyone else. She was a role model and above all else a close friend. I do not remember this photo being taken, nor do I remember where I was when this photo was taken, but the contingency of photography forces me to recognize that the referent of this photograph truly occurred. Immediately, this photo speaks to the strong relationship between me and my grandmother, which in this case is the photographs studium. Anyone glancing at this photograph …show more content…

My grandmother passed away on March 15, 2012, at age 94. She was a remarkably wise and compassionate woman who brought joy to those whose lives she touched. In seeing a visible representation of my relationship with my grandmother, I am forced to confront both her life and her death simultaneously. I cannot separate my memories of her throughout my childhood with the knowledge that she has passed away. Furthermore, I can physically see her represented in this photograph just as I remember seeing her in life, but I know that this is just an image. A flat death forever preserves our embrace to the paper comprising this photograph, and this paper has lived on, having had its own life amongst my other belongings on a shelf in my room. The spectrum of the photograph powerfully emanates from the frame as both a hazy memory and an instant in time. Since I do not recognize the background of this photograph, it is possible that it was taken at our first home (which we moved from when I was three), or it is possible it was taken at my grandmother’s apartment. Regardless of the unrecognizable setting, the nature of photography demands that what was captured undoubtedly occurred at some point in time, and that this meaning extends beyond what is denotationally

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