Back To School Photo Essay

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Most parents want to capture their children's back-to-school moments on film. The only problem with this is that most children get upset at the mere idea of posing for that back-to-school picture, and will do the best that they can to avoid it. If and when you do succeed in getting your child to pose for that picture and look happy, he or she would already have lost the polished look that you worked so hard to achieve. There is a secret on how to make this ritual more tolerable and less of a chore for kids. A little planning goes a long way towards letting you take that precious photograph without upsetting your kids.

The idea of going back to school is already nerve-wracking enough for children without you adding to their nervousness by springing a sudden photo session on them. A better way to preserve back-to-school memories is to schedule your photo session a day or two prior to the actual start of the school term. This will give you more time to take the perfect shot and give your kids a chance to feel comfortable in their new school uniform as well. And when the big day comes, all you will have to worry about is getting your child to school.

Now that you know how to make a back-to-school photo session more appealing to your …show more content…

After all, you are taking a portrait and not a mug shot. Turn your subject slightly to the side and have him look casually back at you. This gives a more pleasing angle to the photo than a direct body shot. It is also advisable to bend down slightly and shoot from your child's eye level rather than your own. Remember that you are shooting a portrait, which means that it is best to fill the frame with your subject by cropping the shot just above your child's waist. Finally, you can artfully use props like a backpack or book to convey the message that this is your child's first day back in

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