Personal Narrative: Working At Green Hills Retirement Home

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As I grow up I learn to respect my elders more and more each day. I’ve been fortunate enough to have some grandparent influence throughout my life. Due to their abundance of knowledge on aspects to life that they’ve experience countless times I have been learning from them ever since I was young. With all the memories I have with my grandparents I knew working at Green Hills Retirement home would be a piece of cake. I feel as if I can find ways to relate to people rather quickly. By having that skill it became easy for me to introduce myself to some of the members of the retirement home numerous times. The ability to connect with certain individuals in a retirement home forced me to start building a friendship with some of them. At first, I …show more content…

More often than not, I would be doing activities with them. These type of activities ranged from sitting down and making puzzles to fun and interactive games like Bingo. Bingo days were most definitely my favorite days at Green Hills. Before the game we would rally up as much troops as possible and the crowd never failed to disappoint. Old people enjoying down time by playing Bingo is an absolutely correct stereotype. There was always a group of grumpy old men that took Bingo to a whole different level. They would grab 2-3 bingo cards to attempt to increase their chances of winning the special prizes. Usually, I stayed away from that side of the table and spent most of my time eating their white powdered brownies. There came times were I had to assist some of the residents that had trouble seeing the bingo board. Other than a select few, mostly everyone won at least one game. When it came time to selecting prizes there was always some debate on who gets what but after a couple arguments they quickly forgot about it. Bingo always made the volunteer work much more enjoyable because seeing the competitive atmosphere in the room was something Green Hills can take a lot of pride in. They have created a scene where residents can compete against each other. Bingo gives some of individuals something to talk about, think about, and to look forward too. Being stuck in a retirement home has its perks, but it could …show more content…

Knowing that you could be asleep for another couple hours made getting out of bed even more difficult than it already was. After a couple times I got used to it, and had a routine set in- tact. Old people are frequently up in early in the morning, so 8:00am breakfast was fairly easy for them to get up for. Personally, I didn’t have an issue with Green Hills choices of food but I only had one meal only once a week. For some, they have had the same meal for breakfast day in and day out and I can 100% see why they want more of a variety on their menus. After breakfast was over they always scheduled an exercise session to help burn off those calories from breakfast off. The turnout for “Sit and Be Fit” was nowhere near the Bingo turn out but there was always a handful of active residents that participated. I would say I am a rather active college student. I try to exercise on a daily basis, but some of those exercises we did with them were not effortless. For being 80 and 90 years old, some of these people could really move still! Every session there always someone that woke up on the right side of the bed and took their exercises seriously. The more I spent time with these residents, the more I began to be comfortable around them. For just being around for a semester you learn a lot about what that generation and the memories they have. The time periods between me and these 90 year

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