Personal Narrative: Why I Choose To Get Married While Still In High School

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Early in the year of 1994, on the ninth day of August, Kristina silently slept in her cradle. Born blue and without a breath, a 0.1 percent chance of life was guaranteed. A brain surgery, prescribed by a doctor, was scheduled without parental consent. In order to abscond the venal doctors and nurses, Kristina was stolen, by her own mother, from the neonatal intensive care unit. An ambulance, sent to retrieve a baby “in danger,” later arrived to collect Kristina. The nurse in charge, returned to the hospital empty handed. In her eyes, the baby showed usual signs of health. Without the brain surgery, Kristina flourished naturally throughout the years. On the day of September 19, 1995, Kristina and the rest of the Sutuga family arrived in Sioux Falls, South …show more content…

“Because I fell in love and didn’t want to wait. I did not choose to get married in high school. Originally I wanted to get married after I was done with college but like they say, when the right person comes along, you get married, and Vasya came along and we decided wait until I am at least graduating to get married. And I graduated early so we decided to get married then.” How certain were you that you were marrying the right person? “100% certain, I prayed a lot about it, and I prayed for God to send me the right guy. We believe in prophets and I had one which basically said that Vasily was the one for me. Vasily was willing to wait and he was always asking me if I was ready to get married and eventually gave in because I was too in love. When he came over I watched him when he was with kids, and how he acted around girls. And I knew that he was the right one because I have an attitude, and sometimes I am stubborn,but he was nice and knew how to handle me. I knew for certain that he was the right person after I told Vasily that I might not be able to have kids and he told me that he loves me and if I cannot have kids, we’d

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