Personal Narrative: The Middle Child

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The Middle Child... If you look up the term Middle Child in a dictionary I am quite certain you would see Wyatt's picture!! Thing is, he was a "middle child" before he ever became a "middle child." He is funny and kind. He is sensitive and caring. He is helpful and intelligent. He really is so many things... All of this being said he is 9-years old going on 19. He is never more attentive than when two adults are having a conversation without him. He is not a fan of silence, if no one is talking, he will make something up before he allows for silence.... Just the other day we were outside, the kids were playing while I was raking leaves. Wyatt, who hadn't stopped talking since I had picked them up from school says, "I bet if Abraham Lincoln quit school he wouldn't have been president...or at least a very good one. What do you …show more content…

A few years ago I was talking to my mom on the phone. We were just chatting away and in typical fashion I was in the middle of a sentence, I stopped for whatever reason and couldn't remember what I was saying. I said to my mom, "Nope! It's gone! I cannot remember what I was saying..." Wyatt, from across the room, says, "You were talking about when we...." and finishes my sentence!! I know what you are going to say, that maybe I should do something special with just him sometimes. He probably feels left out and neglected..." I have tried it! Several times! It usually ends with him wanting to go home or do something else bc he's bored or "just wants to see what everyone else is doing." All the middle children of the world are probably saying "Well, you just don't understand! No one cares about us!" And to be fair I was the baby in my family, although in my humble opinion I don't act like the baby of the family... Maybe you are right, maybe I don't understand. I do feel like I do a pretty good job of balancing my time between them all. Some weeks are better than most, but it usually balances itself

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