Personal Narrative: The Day I Cut My Hair

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I seem like a quiet child who doesn’t get into any trouble, but I used to all the time; but that was only at school. At home I didn’t really do much to get in trouble, except once. I was around ten or eleven and I really wanted to cut my hair, but my mom never let me because she didn’t want to damage my hair and wanted it to get long. I didn’t. That was one of the few things we disagreed on. It was a warm, late september and I was at school waiting for my mom to pick me up, because basketball practice had gotten canceled. I was hanging out with my friend Julianna and Ja’nae and I had an absolutely idiotic thought, “Hey! Maybe I should let my friends cut my hair!” So me being my intolerant, insolent self decided to let them do it. Then they took the scissors and started chopping away at my past-shoulder-length bleach blonde hair. My mother pulled up a couple minutes after they had finished the massacre on my frizzy locks, I through my hood up and trotted off to the van. She didn’t pay much mind to me having my hood up, the sky had looked moody and wanted to let it’s tears fall soon. …show more content…

I trotted down the stairs when she called me for dinner, hat still on, mind you. She gave me a confused look but brushed it off. I was an odd child, after all, so it didn’t bother her much when I did strange stuff, such as this. Everyone just looked at me with an awkward glance as we sat at the table, but still didn’t care to

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