Personal Narrative: The Coolidge Scholarship

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“I just need a break in the clouds, a little rain.”- Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy The Coolidge scholarship provides that little bit of rain. Rain that will allow me to grow into the doctor I seem to be stuck dreaming about, rain that can wash the weight of questioning how I will pay for college off my shoulders, rain that will make the clouds of impending debt seem less likely; the Coolidge scholarship is the break I need to make it in this world. Instead of rain coming from the clouds it comes from my eyes. I cry over uncertainty and I have seen that uncertainty within my family. First, I have a sister that is eight years older than me. She has wanted to be a lawyer most of her life. At a young age we made the plan that by the time I graduated high …show more content…

My mother has worked for the City of Phoenix for over twenty-five years, my father was laid-off but he started his own business and then got into teaching/coaching, and my sister, even with all the obstacles she faced, will soon earn her degree. Without the Coolidge scholarship, in the spirit of President Coolidge, I will still work to achieve my goals, but the Coolidge scholarship could make it easier for me to achieve excellence rather than mediocrity. To explain further, money is what forces a lot of people to take longer in college and to take on the whole “C’s get Degrees” attitude. Considering that I want to be a doctor, how I succeed academically should be what’s important, not how I’m going to pay next semester’s tuition. My family works hard, but doesn’t earn the income necessary to cover a university’s expense. I got goals, and I’m sure millions of kids across America do too, but they don’t all want to be outstanding pediatricians and they don’t all cry over the uncertainty of not reaching their goals. With Coolidge Scholarship I could become a renowned pediatrician and for once in my life “how am I going to pay?” won’t be a question I’m asking

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