Personal Narrative Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is always a day to remember. It is a time for family, laughter, jokes, and food. While gathering with family may not always go according to plan, it is good to be with the ones you love. Cleaning up after everyone is done filling their tummies is not always easy, but it is something we can make the best out of. At the end of the day, hearing loved ones and smelling pungent scented food is what it’s all about. The sounds of laughter echoed around the living room and the smell of sweet potatoes, dressing, chitterlings, and turnip greens filled the air. The living room walls were white and red curtains were hanging in front of the window seals. The fire place had black coal around the edges of brown brick that formed from burning short days and long nights. I could hear my little cousins’ feet hitting the brown and shiny hardwood floor as they ran to the kitchen. Their laughter echoed around the dense hallway, and those sounds reminded me that I had the longest day ahead of me. I rolled out of bed and stared at the reflection of myself and let out a deep sigh. As my feet rubbed against …show more content…

Squinting my eyes, I noticed the sun rays peeking through the crème colored curtains and bouncing off of the four walls in the hallway, the warmest smile started to grow upon my face. Walking into the large spacious kitchen I looked around to see everyone standing against the pink and white floral wallpaper that gave the room flavor. Everyone started to grab their perfectly rounded white ceramic plates, silverware, and kids grabbed glasses from the brown wooden stem holder above the sink. My mom took the top off the dressing to let it breath. The dressing was filled with all kinds of vegetables such as onion, green bell peppers, and celery. As the steam grew into the air, and the evaporating water rolled down the black boiler we stood over the food in awe. My

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